Sometimes, I Like Getting Tickled.

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Summary: Tickle War. 'Nuff said.

WC: 450

"DANIEL!!!" Phil yelled with a hint of evil in his voice.

"Yes, Phil?" Dan said, eyeing the black haired boy wearily.

Phil scooted closer to where Dan was sitting on the couch. He slid along the cushions and sat so close to Dan he was almost in the younger boys lap. Phil leaned in, extremely close, making Dan's heart flutter faster than the time he met Nick Jonas. Phil leaned in, and gently whispered into Dan's ear, "Time for a tickle!!"

Before Dan could react Phil tackled Dan to the ground and moved his spindly fingers up Dan's sides, making Dan laugh like a hiyena.

"Phil-Phi, Plea-please, just stop!!" Dan cried loudly weazing from the amount of effort it takes to laugh.

"Hmmmmmm..." Phil said aloud.

He was currently sat on Dan's stomach, looking into the brown haired boys, dark chocolate eyes. Phil could easily get lost in those eyes. He was actually starting to, before Dan cleared his throat.

"Oh, what? I'm sorry?" Phil said sassily, "Did you want me to get off your stomach or something?"

Dan sighed exasperatedly, "Umm, Yes Phil that would be quite nice considering your crushing me!"

Phil gasped, fake hurt showing in his eyes, "Dan, are you saying, You think I'm fat?"

Dan swallowed a giggle and as cockily as he could said, "Yes, my dear Phil. That IS exactly what I'm saying."

"Well then." Said phil, fake hurt still evident in his voice "It would definitely be a shame if someone were to I don't know...." Phil smiled victoriously as he shouted, "DO THIS!!" With that he started bouncing on Dans stomach and making Dan cry out!

"Phil, I'm going to pee! STOP OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO WET MYSELF!!"

Phil stopped bouncing on Dan and said, " Ill stop bouncing on one condition. Kiss me."

Dan had not expected that, he looked into Phils gorgeous blue eyes and looked for any signs that Phil was just joking. Seeing none, He leaned up twords Phil and gently pecked his lips.

Phil didn't actually think Dan would do it, so when he felt Dans gentle lips on his, the shock was kind of astounding. He looked down at Dan, who was cutely biting his lip, awaiting Phils next move.

Phil slowly bent down and kissed Dan gently. That was until Dan wrapped his fingers around phils black colored hair. Phil kissed Dan with more need, trying to show him all the locked away, hidden feelings he had been keeping. When they parted, gasping for breath, only sharring little pecks, Dan looked Phil in the eyes. Cheeky grin on full dispay and said, "Sometimes, I like getting tickled."

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