"I'm Here."

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Prompt: "One where Dan and Phil have been internet friends for a long time and they finally get to meet and they run to each other and stuff and yeah"

Prompt(er): Idek comment if this was you. Sorry.

Word Count: 1,793 (dear god)

My laptop rang, letting me know that Phil was calling to skype me. I heard the first ring and sprinted across the room to answer it.

I lifted the laptop lid and clicked the answer button. Phils face immediately appeared on my computers screen. His pixelated features still looking as beautiful as ever.

"Hi Dan!" He said smiling at me, his blue eyes looking black in the bad video quality.

"Hi Phil, Long time no see." I joked.

"I know a whole eight hours. You must have been so lost without me." He said smiling.

My smile dropped a little at the corners.

"You have no idea." I said attempting to keep my tone light.

Phil saw through my act though. He always did. Even with a horrible camera on a crappy laptop he could still read me like a book.

"Dan." He said frowning at me.

"I was just kidding." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Dan. You know you can talk to me okay. Even if you don't think you can, or if you think its stupid. Tell me whats on your mind." Phil said in soothing voice.

I let out a sigh. I don't know how he managed to live 200 miles away from me and still make me feel at home.

"Its just that, this will sound stupid. I just, I don't know Phil. I know we haven't met in person yet, but I still miss you. I always think of things I could tell you, or I see things that remind me of you. I mean-don't get me wrong, texting and skyping are great, but I just...miss you." I rambled out.

I didn't know how to tell him what i meant, and make my words clear. I don't know how I feel, I just know that theres a Phil sized hole in my heart.

Phil looked at me with a sad smile. "I know what you mean Dan. I want to talk to you all the time, and hold your hand, and hug you because I can. I just want you to be here...with me." He rambled off.

"We live so close to each other. Your like a train ride away. I mean we're so close, but on the other hand we're so far." I sighed. "I just want to be with you. I want to give you hugs and see your smile in real life, not from some shitty computer camera."

"That's where I have some good news." Phil said flashing me a smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"My parents are going out of town for a week." Phil said, then smiled at me again.

I didn't say anything, waiting for him to go on.

He didn't.

"Care to elaborate a little?" I asked.

"And I bought you a train ticket!!" He scream suddenly.

I paused. He didn't. But he was smiking so big at me, and I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes. I was gonna meet Phil. I was gonna meet my Philly.

"Dan? Dan are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm-I'm fine." I said my voice growing thick with tears.

"Why are you crying bear?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Because I finally get to meet you! I'm gonna see you in person. I can hug you, and I see your smile and your pretty eyes. You'll finally be real."

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