Just the Way You Are

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Summary: Yet, another song fic. Kinda. Ish. Anyway. Dan Howell, the marvelous, the lovely, the famous comes to the town of Manchester, home to regular, no-self-confidence used to be bullied Phil Lester.

Also featuring KICKTHESTICKS.


Warnings: Uh, Phils just kinda lacking in the self confidence area, you feel? Almost extreme Bullying.(but I don't focus on the bullying...) Cussing.

WC: 19356

Phil slouched down in his seat, To Kill a Mockingbird clutched tightly between his sweaty hands. His eyes wandered over the page, attention set fully on the story unfolding in front of him.

The book started out slowly, almost dreadfully slow, but Phil was never one to give up on a classic. He turned the page, his eyes widened.

What? Scout is a girl???? What?? Who names a girl Scout??? But....what??? Then again who names their kid Bandit, cough cough, Gee Way.

Phil was slightly startled to find out Scout was a girl, this whole time he had been portraying her as a boy. Phil slumped down in his seat further, he needed to reevaluate his priorities with this book.

Suddenly voices intruded his small cave, well, more like the schools library. He was sitting on a beanie bag, his multiple chins on display for the world.

He stiffened at the intruders presence. Two girls revealed themselves. They had their backs turned to Phil, both looking at the magazine display.

"Did you hear Dan Howell's gonna be in Manchester!!" One of the girls, a brunette with short hair and a soft voice interjected.

"Of course I did, Becky! I'm not stupid!" The other girl snapped. "Everyone's talking about it! Did you know that he's supposed to pick a school to study at while he's here."

The other girl- Becky, nodded in a sullen way. "Yeah. What if he Comes here?"

The other girl snorted, "Get real Becky, You're so stupid."

Becky deflated a little more, her shoulders sagging. "I'm sorry, Jessica."

"Whatever come on, I still need to copy your math homework, lets go." Jessica said, strutting away.

Becky followed along quietly.

Yeesh, Phil thought, Jessica sounded like a great friend to have. 

But he was still shocked to find out that Dan Howell was gonna be in Manchester. He was the singer of a new Pop-punk-techno-hardcore-alternative-disco-regea band. Phil really loved their music.

Apparently Dan was doing a short film for one of his albums or something. At least that's what his Alt-press magazine had said, but he didn't know it was gonna be in Manchester.

Phil shrugged, maybe if they played a concert here, he could go.

He shoved his nose back into his book and tried to grasp onto the thought that Scout was a girl.


Phil walked into school on Monday, and the students were buzzing. He kept his eyes down the whole time he was in the hall. He was acutely aware of the fact his uniform top was wrinkled. A small stain from the jam on his toast this morning, rested on his shirt pocket, his tie was much too tight, and he just wanted to wear a pair of skinny jeans for once.

He sighed, he didn't know why every one was so chipper, it was a Monday. Mondays were supposed to be rainy and horrible, and all this happiness was really cramping his style.

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