Positively Brilliant

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Warning: Uh it's kinda sad but not really, mentions of death but not from a major character.

Genre: uh...sadness....maybe....happy ending.

"So Dan, tell me How you're feeling." The the therapist asked from the chair he was sitting on.

Dan sighed. How did he explain this to somone without seaming mental? He knew if he started to talk he would choke up. It happened every time. He would try to tell someone and it would go to shit.

He took a deep breath and tried to level out his emotions.

"I don't really know. Its hard to explain. I just feel dazed a lot of the time."

"Do you mind explaining a little more?" Mr. Burton asked.

That's what Dan liked best about him. That he gave him the choice to answer questions. He didn't push the subject like most people.

"I don't really know how to say it....it's just like, we have one life right?" Dan asked.

Mr. Burton nodded and silently urged Dan to go on.

"Well we have one life, an incredibly short life, and we're all just supposed to be okay with that?" Dan said raising his voice at the end.

"We're just supposed to sit back and let our one life pass us by?" Dan said as his voice started to crack. This is where he always started to cry.

Mr. Burton looked at Dan and wrote something down in his note book. "I'd like to hear what else you have to say before I give you any of my opinions. Please let it all out, don't hold back."

Dan nodded. "Well like I said, if all humans have one incredibly short life, and according to all the 'experts' life is what you make it, what if our life is crap? Are we just supposed to accept that death is a thing? That our happiness is limited and has an expiration date? What our we supposed to think? Why do we even exist if this all we get in life? If we All get one shot to make it right what about the babies that die soon after they're born? What about the people that die homeless or hungry? What about the children that die because they have shitty ass parents? Huh? What about everyone who dies when they don't deserve it? If this one life is all we get, the why the fuck are we here? Why do we even exist? And if there is a God why does he allow this? And if there isn't, is this why humans created one? To have some sence of security? To know that maybe if we fuck up this life, it's okay Because theres a glowing magical figure in the sky that will help us? I just want to know....is this all there is?"

Dan sighed. He'd held that in for so long. He looked to Mr. Burton hoping that this man could provide some type of advice, something to stop the nagging voice in his head. He just wanted to stop thinking so deeply, he wanted a break from his brain.

"Well Dan....." Mr. Burton paused.

He studies Dan for a while. Taking in his brown eyes, full of curiosity and fear. He was just a young lad, searching for answers. But Mr. Burton couldn't provide the answer that Dan needed. He knew that...and he was pretty sure Dan knew that too.

"So Dan. You said you have a boyfriend at home....tell me about him." Mr. Burton said.

"But what does that have to do with anything?" Dan questioned getting slightly aggravated.

"Do an old man a favor and answer the question will you?" Mr. Burton sassed.

Dan loved this old man, he hopes he's that sassy when he's fifty.

"Well Yeah, I have a boyfrined, his name is Phil." Dan stated thinking about the black haired not who was probably playing Mario Cart right now.

"Tell me more? How old is he? What's he like? How does he make you feel?" The older man questioned.

"Well he's 26, and he's absolutely amazing. He's so nice and caring. He never gets mad at me for being sad, and when I do he tells me to talk to him about it. He's quite immature for his age, really a 12 year old in a 20 year olds body, But I wouldn't change him for the world! He's got black hair and it's soft and when he's annoyed he'll flip it out of his eyes aggressively. It sounds mushy but it's adorable. He's really the only one who's ever got me....he's the only one who's truly understood me, and I really love him. And I know that he really loves me too..." Dan said trailing off, attempting to hide his blush.

The old man's blue eyes crinkled at the boys words. Dan was certainly smitten.

"Now would you ever consider leaving Phil?" Mr. Burton asked.

"Never....Absolutely Never." Dan stated firmly and started into Mr. Burton's eyes.

"I figured as much..." The old man laughed gently.

"Dan I'll be honest....there is no answer for the questions you've asked me. But I swear when I die if I can figure out a way to come back, I'll inform you of the great hereafter." The old man smiled and winked at Dan.

Dan sighed and slumped further in his chair.

"However, when you get in these moods I want you to look at Phil, look at the thing that brings you happiness in life. Look to the light, because even in darkness, a light will come on eventually. Look at Phil and just know, He is why you are here. You're here to make him happy, to love him, to let him know he is needed....and he is here the same reason as you, to bring you as much joy as the universe allows."

Dan smiled and nodded at the old man. Sure it wasn't the answer he wanted, but it's the best one he's ever got.


Dan unlocked the door and was greeted by a smiling Phil.

"How was therapy?" Phil asked.

"Possitively Brilliant." Dan said hugging Phil and bringing him into a kiss.

"Possitively Brilliant."

Swiggity Swag I'm a hag.

All question were based off real life scenarios starting me.

See ya soon skunk nuggets.

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