Met You Yet

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Summary: Based off the song Met You Yet by Michael Buble. Phil keeps looking for love, but he just hasn't met the right person. . .yet. ;)

Warning: Slightly pitiful Philly. Adorable fluffish kinda fic. Minor cussing bc why the fuck not.

Word Count: 1549

I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down

Phil sighed as he walked into the coffee shop, he brought his laptop with him, ready to edit a new video. He grabbed a hot chocolate from the barista, bringing it back to the secluded table towards the back of the coffee shop. Maybe, gonna be girlfriend, just told him that it wasn't working out. He rubbed his eyes, it always seemed to end this way. He thought things were going great, only to be blind sided and hit with a "Its not you, it's me. . . no really, Phil, you're a great guy blah blah blah..."

Megan had sat Phil down on the couch and told him she didn't see it going anywhere, but they could stay friends. Yeah right, if Phil has a pound for every  time he heard that, he would have, like, a lot of pounds.

He opened up Final Cut Pro and began to edit his newest video, splicing and rearranging the odd bits to  look cool and edgy. His mind began to wander like it always did. He thought about all the past people he dated, it was 2009 for Christs sake. It looked like he would have found someone by now. He blew his fringe out of his face.

Pshh Megan, nobody even likes Megan. Phil frowned and snorted, who was he kidding? He'd liked Megan. He'd liked Megan a lot.

I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility

Then again he'd also liked Tony. Tony was a cute bagger at the grocery store down town. He used to use that store all the time, not so much anymore. Tony was the boy he liked before he met Megan. He was sweet and he always made Phil blush, complimenting and joking with Phil.

He and Tony had decided to go on a date when Phil finally worked up the nerve to ask him out. Tony had said yes almost immediately, Phil took it as a good sign. It was not a good sign. At all. Tony was great at first, but after two months of dating, he started to ask Phil all these questions. However, the question that ended it makes Phil laugh now. Slighly. Phil had a decent following on YouTube, so he often replied to fans. He guessed Tony found his Twitter, which was fine. . . until it wasn't.

They'd been sitting on Phil's couch, Phil threw a piece of popcorn into the air and caught in his mouth.

"Who's Tina38Philion?" He'd asked once.

"Who?" Phil said, throwing another piece.

"Don't act like you don't know." Tony said, sounding miffed.

"Umm. . . what?" Phil turned to face Tony, who's face was starting to turn red.

"You're already lying to me? Already? Wow." Tony said, throwing his hands into the air.

"What are you talking about?" Phils eyebrows were furrowed.

"I'm talking about that girl...the one you're talking to on Twitter!" Tony hissed.

"I'm not talking to any girl on Twitter!" Phil said, "I don't talk to anyone but my subscribers on there!"

"Uhhuh sure."

"What did I even say that made you so mad?" Phil asked.

"I'm glad you asked," Tony said, clearing his throat like he'd memorized the whole conversation.

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