The Truth. Part 2

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It had been six months since Dan had last seen Phil. Six months since his brown eyes met bright blue. Six months of tears. Six months of feeling empty.

He could still hear Phil's last YouTube video echoing in his head.

Due to recent events, this will be my last YouTube video. Thanks for being my very best firiends all this time. You guys will always be in my heart. But it's time for AmazingPhil to end. From now on I'm just Phil Lester. I'm just me. Thanks for being a part of the ride. I'm gonna miss this all so much. But as they say, all good things must come to end. On that note...Dan and I will no longer be living together. Please don't question this, as I really don't wanna talk about it. But I love you guy's, so so much. You'll always be my philions. You'll always be amazing. And you'll always be okay. Thanks for hanging in there with me, but it's time for me to move on. I think you guys should move on too.

Have a good life guys.

When Dan watched the video he couldn't believe it. He didn't understand. He couldn't. His whole world had crumbled down around him. He just wanted Phil back. He wanted his boyfriend back, no, he wanted his best friend back.

Dan called Phil everynight hoping that Phil would answer. He never did. But Dan didn't give up. Phil said this was temporary. Dan had to know of that was true. He couldn't just give up their relationship like that. He couldn't. He wouldn't.

He hit the call button.

1 ring.

2 rings.

3 rings.

4 rings.

"Hello?" Phil's voice came across the line.

Dan's eyes widened he couldn't believe Phil had answered.

"Hellooo???" Phil's voice rang out again.

Dan found his voice after another moment. "Phil?"

Their was a long pause. "Dan." it was a statement not a question. "What do you want?" Phil sighed across the line.

Dan's breath hitched.


Dan's voice cracked.

"What?" Phil's voice broke over the phone.

"Phil, I want you." Dan said.

He knew this was his last chance to talk to Phil for a while. He wasn't wasting it.

Their was a silence on the phone. A silence that lasted far too long.

"Phil?" Dan asked the silence.

"Dan. I- I don't know what to do anymore. I want you so fucking bad. I want to hold and kiss you. I want to talk to you everyday. I want to spend hours scrolling through tumblr with you. I miss doing collabs with you on YouTube. I miss you." Phil breathed out sounding overwhelmed.

"Then why won't you come home. I miss you too. I miss you so fucking much. I want you to kiss and hold me. I thought- I thought what we had was forever. I didn't think youd leave. But you did. You gave up on us."
Dan said to his phone receiver.

"Don't make me the bad guy Dan." Phil said wearily.

"I'm not. I just I want you to come home. I miss you. Please come home Phil." Dan stated.

"I don't want to get hurt anymore Dan." Phil sighed.

"You won't I swear." Dan said trying to reassure himself also.

"Dan-" Phil tried but was cut off.

"Look Phil, things won't be perfect. I'm human and I will make mistakes. I'll shout and I'll make you cry, but you'll do the same. I love you so, so much. I want you in my life. I need you in my life. If you're not here it's not home. I'll try my best, I promise you that Phil. I'll mess up, but at the end of the day....I love you."
Dan breathed out a sigh. Hope rising in his throat.

Their was a long silence.

All that you could hear was Phil's breathing from the other end.

"You hurt me Dan." Phil said quietly.

Tears gathered in Dan's eyes. "I- I know I hurt you." Dan's voice broke. "But I swear if you give me another chance....I won't hurt you again."

Phil let the silence continue on again.

"I still love you." Dan whispered. "And I'll never stop."

Phil let out a low breath.

"I love you too. I could never stop Dan. I'm just so sick and tired of bending over until I break. Once something shatters you can't put it back together again. Its broken. You can use sticky tape or glue, but it's still fractured. The wound is still there, Why do you keep shattering me Dan?" Even with Phil in a different location Dan could tell he was crying.

"I don't mean to break you. I know I'm a selfish bastartd. I know that I screw up so much when it comes to our relationship, but I love you. I know that's not what you wanna hear from me right now, but it's the truth. I may hurt you, but it's never on purpose. I wish I realized how much I affected you. I wish I could take it all back, but I can't Phil, and it kills me." Dan took a deep breath.

He knew this was it. This is wear Phil made his decision. He broke Phil, and couldn't fix him. Now Phil had the power to break Dan, break his heart and stomp it all to pieces.

"Dan I still love you." Phil whispered even though he disnt have to.

"I love you too Phil. I've said it once, now I'm saying it agian. I need you Phil. I need you like I need air." Dan knew it was cliche but it was true. It was completely and irrevocably true.

Dan listened to Phil's breathing over the phone.

"You won't hurt me again?" Phil questioned.

"Never." Dan said, voice firm and determined.

Phil sucked in a breath and let it out slowly.

"You're not lying?" Phil said after a long pause.

Dan smiled faintly. "That's the truth."

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