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Summary: Idk some stupid shit about Dan reading Phanfiction. Just a Drabble :)

WC: 468

I walked into the lounge to find Dan sitting in 'tumblr scrolling position' laughing quietly to himself. "What's so funny?" I said making Dan jump up. He looked at me in alarm. I guess he didnt realize I had entered the room.

"N-Nothing, Umm It was nothing." He stuttered out blushing a tomato red. "Daniell" I said "Why are you blushing!" Dan looked like he had been caught stealing cookies from his mums cookie jar. "Phil, It was nothing! Just baby elephant pictures...."  He said. I didnt believe him, so i did what any semi smart nosy person would do, "Baby elephants! I WANT TO SEE!!" I shouted. "NO!!" Dan yelled, "I mean, I, I already scrolled past."

Dan looked smug like he had just invinted the light bulb or something so, I ran at dan tackling him to the ground. I got him pinned by his arm and sat on his stomache so he couldn't move or grab is laptop. I used one arm to pin him down, and grabbed his laptop with the other. Looking down at Dan i stuck my tongue out in victory.

Mean while Dan had gone deathly pale. When i looked at his laptop screen, I figured out why. In bold letters at the top were the words 'PHAN FICTION' I froze. Dan likes me? Why was he reading phan fiction? Do I like Dan? Of course you do Phil ever since you've met him you've daydreamed about waking up in his arms and being his one and only. I looked down at the blushing Dan beneath me. He had tears coming from his eyes. "I'm sorry Phil!" he said. "I know this probaly just ruined are friendship and now you want me to move out, and never talk to you again. I understand if you're disgusted by me and feel uncomfortable-" I cut him off by smashing my lips to his. He was shocked but quickly kissed back.

I came up for air and pecked his lips again. "Dan don't you EVER for a minute think I could be disgusted by you. Without you, there is no me. You're the person I think about at night before I go to bed. You're the person I want to wake up to in the morning. Your laugh is better than any Muse song. You are Everything I've ever wanted rapped up in a cute little package. You are my best friend, but so much more also." Dan looked up at me smiling.

"Phil, don't get weirded out, but I'm pretty sure I love you." he said. "Hey Dan, don't get weirded out, but I'm pretty sure I love you too." I replied smiling. I then enveloped him in another kiss.

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