Terrible Things.

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Summary: No plot. Just pronoun changes. No story really... I was listening to Terrible things by Mayday Parade and I started thinking of Dan and Phil. I cried. Fuck you Mayday Parade.

Warnings: SADNESS. Umm if you've listned to this song it's v obvious but, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH.

WC: 1350

"Dad? What happened to Daddy" The teenager looked at his father, he was always scared to ask, he didn't wanna bring up painful memories, but curiosity was killing the brown haired boy.

Phil sighed, and a sad look crossed his face, that's what Sammy was afraid of.

"Never mind, Dad, it's fine, you don't have to talk about it." Sammy rushed, not wanting to make his father upset.

"No, you have a right to know, he was your dad after all." Phil smiled down at his 11 year old.

By the time I was your age I'd give anything, to fall in love truly was all I could think, that's when I met your father, the man of my dreams. The most beautiful man that I'd ever seen. He said boy can I tell you a wonderful thing? I cant help but notice you staring at me. I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe,  I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me.

"When i met your dad, He was 18, I was 22, no one really approved because of the age difference, but I loved him." Phil could already feel his throat tighten, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

"When I first saw him, it was a cool day in spring, he was at a park, and he stood out against everything. He smiled at the clouds and he was too perfect to be in a place so mediocre. He was stunning, I couldn't take my eyes off of him." Phil looked off into the distance. "He was sitting on a swing, and there was an empty one beside him, so I sat down next to him. But I couldn't work up the courage to talk to him, he was so pretty, he didn't seem real." Phil looked at his shoes, a sad smile gracing his features.

"But your dad, he looked at me, right in the eyes and said that he thought I loved him. And instead of freaking out...I smiled and agreed, because it was true. I already loved him." Tears had started to run down Phil's face. Sammys large brow eyes, were tearing up, he wanted to hear the story, but it was painful to watch his dad fall apart like this.

Now son, I'm only telling you this, because life can do terrible things.

"Sammy, I'm only telling you this because, well, I hope you don't make the same mistake as me. I fell so quickly. I didn't look before I took the leap, it was so fun falling. But no one prepared me for the crash at the end."

Now most of the time we'd have too much to drink, and we'd laugh at the stars and we'd share everything. Too young to notice and too dumb to care, love was a story that couldn't compare.

"I'm not gonna lie, a lot of the time, your dad and I would get so drunk. We would just sit on the grass in my backyard and laugh at whatever. We used to talk about the stars all of the time, it was conversations like that, that really made me love your dad. We both clicked so well, we were young and were so stupid, but we didn't care. We thought that the world was ours to conquor. It wasn't."

I said, "Boy can I tell you a wonderful thing?  I made you a present with paper and string. Open with care, now, I'm asking you please, you know that I love you, will you marry me?"

"After a year of us dating we finally got a surrogate mother, and 9 months later, you graced us with your presence! You were the best thing that had ever happened to me and your dad. I can say that with honesty. You were so little and tiny, you wrapped your little fist around my finger and looked at me with those big Brown eyes. I was gone, you had me wrapped around your finger from day one. But things changed soon, with your dad I mean. He started acting weird, he went out one day, for a couple of hours, I didn't think much of it though, I brushed it off. I decided I was gonna proprose that night.

But when he came home he looked distracted. But, once again, I brushed it off. I was a nervous wreck, but I got down on one knee and asked him to marry me."

Now, son I'm only telling you this, because life can do terrible things. You'll learn one day, I'll hope and I'll pray, that god, shows you differently.

"Sammy, please just... Don't do what I did..."

He said, "Boy can I tell you a terrible thing? It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks. Please don't be sad now, I really believe, you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."

"Your dad," Phil struggled to get the words out, his face was wet, and his throat was tight, the  lump in it, making his voice crack. "He started crying, and at first I thought that were happy tears. But he shook his head no, and I was so confused, I thought he rejected me, but he threw his arms around me...that's, that's when he told me that he went to the doctors that day, that he had been going there...for a while."

Phil wiped his eyes, he hated this. He hated it. It had been years, and he still wasn't over Dan. It was a curse. A fucking curse.

"He told me that, he had cancer in his stomach...and it was too late to do anything. He said they gave him two weeks. Two weeks, until...it happened."

Phil was crying, loud sobs wracking his body, Sammy threw his arms around his dad.

"Please, don't cry! Please, Dad!" Sammy begged, he didn't know what to do. He'd never seen his dad like this.

Slow, so slow, I fell to the ground, I love you.

So don't fall in love there's just too much to lose, if given the choice, then I'm begging you choose to walk away, walk away, don't let it get you. I cant bare to see the same to happen to you.

"Sammy, don't let yourself fall. Because there's always gonna be a crash at end. You'll only get hurt. It'll break you, and you'll have to figure out how to pick yourself up off the ground and move on." Phil was wiping his eyes, his crying not yet subsided.

"And you just have to accept that they are never coming back. But you can't! You wont be able too! You'll see them everytime you close your eyes, every time you see a movie, every time you hear your son giggle, and it will be the sweetest torture. You'll want it all to stop, but you pray that it won't, because those stupid reminders are all you have left."

Phil was hugging Sammy tightly. He was sad and crying, and his son was crying too. He hated that a father got taken away, that Dan was taken away from Phil. He beleived that God played some sick joke on them.

"I love you, Sammy. I'm so glad you're still here. If...something would happen to you...I...I  don't think I could make it."

Sammy wiped his face as tears fell from the sky, he was 11 he was supposed to be tough, but he was crying in his dads arms, he finally knew the truth, but he wished he didn't. He couldn't believe that love, something that was supposed to be sweet and beautiful could turn into this."

Phil wiped Sammys tears off his cheeks, "You have his eyes."

Now son, I'm only telling you this because life, can do terrible things.

Swiggity Swayday FUCKING MAYDAY.

This song, this fucking. Just have my music on shuffle, One minute im passionately dancing and singing to Girls/Girls/Boys by panic! And the next I'm an emotion wreck.

*drunk Brendon Urie voice* WHat tHE fuuUuuUCKkK.

"Im not crying...My eyes are sweating"

*Isabella pops up*

"Are you sweating though your eyes?"


it's 4am don't Judah me.

Haha is says Judah...I meant judge....

Stahp Judas das gay.


L8tr Skunk Nuggets.

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