You Took My Breath Away.

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Summary: Dans dad dies so Dan and his mom move to a house in the country. Dan discovers a ghost named Phil.

Warning: mentions of death.

WC: 1260

My mom and I pulled into the driveway of our new house. After my dad had died, my mom told me that we needed a new start. Quite frankly I agreed. My old house was filled with two many memories. I couldnt look at the walls without bursting into tears. There were just so many moments that had been hung up and framed over the years. Everytime I saw one it was like another stab to the heart. I'll never forget the feeling of losing my dad. It wasn't fair, he was to young. He doesn't get the chance to see me graduate or have kids, and now I'm just left with painful memories and the whisper of a father that was taken before he was ready. I stared up at the house through the window of the car. It was a three story house, warn and old. The paint was chipped and the shutters were a faded looking brown. The house was in the middle of nowhere, wich was fine, I didn't want to be around people anyway. The house had a looming, lonely presence about it. It was a sad house, the way the windows and porch were set up made the house look like it was frowning. Even so, I thought the house was perfect. My mom looked over at me, and layed her hand on my knee. "I know its not perfect or the nicest looking house but-"

"Its perfect" I told her with a smile. We spent the next few hours bringing in boxes and putting things in their proper place. Around 6 my mom told me to go decorate my room. I had chosen the room on the third floor. It had a certain feel about it that drew me in. It smelled damp and musky, sort of like an attic, but I liked it that way. There was a window that looked out over the backyard. I could see the creek that split the land like a crack. The window had a ledge large enough that you could sit on it and still be comfortable, and that was my favorite part. I plugged my in my laptop and put on some music. My Chemical Romance came on, and I found it vaguely appropriate that Ghost Of You started to play. I mean we moved here to escape the ghost of my fathers death. I made up my bed putting on the black bed sheets. I got the tape out of the box next to the door and looked into the mirror that sat beside it. I saw a boy with black hair standing behind me. I whirled around ready to defend myself from the unknown intruder, but noone was there. I shook my head trying to clear it. Get it together Dan, I said to myself. I got the tape and went back to the business at hand, taping up all my posters. I had just finished hanging up my All Time Low poster when, Bullet by Hollywood Undead came on. I decided that I could do the rest tomorrow, as i had gotten tired. I walked towards the window with the ledge to sit and think for a while. I opened the window and had gotten most of my leg through when i was pushed so hard my body was tossed all the way off my feet and I was flung onto my bed. My bed is atleast 7 feet from my window. The window slammed shut and locked itself. I screamed like a girl, not gonna lie. I ran for the door and flung it open only to be greeted by the boy I had imagined earlier. He took a step towards me and I ran back into my room slamming the door again. I leaned against it breathing heavily only to look up into the blue eyes of the stranger. "You know, you can't run from a ghost." The black haired boy said. I did the manliest thing I could. I screamed, again. "But you actually might be able to make one go deaf." He said plugging his ears. "I'm not gonna hurt you okay? I just want to talk. The last time I talked to someone was like 15 years ago. You can't blame me for being chatty." He said with a smile. I looked at him with a mixture of fear and curiosity. "I'm either going crazy, or theres a transparent ghost talking to me right now." I said breathily. "If I were you I'de go with the latter." He said with a smile. I carefully edged around him and sat on the bed. I felt like I was going to be sick. He sat down beside me. "You know your taking this better than the last boy I talked to."

"Really?" I said curiously.

"Yea, I tried having a conversation with him, but be ran away. Well, he actually moved away, but still." The blue eyed boy said jokingly. Although I could tell it hurt his feelings by the way he frowned.

"So what's your name?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"Phil, Phil Lester. What about you brown eyes?" He said smiling.

I blushe'd for no reason, its not like he actually complimented me.

"Dan Howell." I said smiling back.

(As much as I hate time skips, I'm far, far, farrrr to lazy to write all of this so lets skip to....)


It had been a month since I'de met Phil, and I really liked him. I mean REAALLLY liked him. I wasn't sure if you could fall in love with a ghost or not, but I'm pretty sure I did.

"Whatcha thinking about there, brown eyes?" Phil asked as he layed down beside me.

"Nothing really." I lied.

Phil looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Hey Dan, I feel like I should have maybe, told you this before, but some ghosts, such as myself, can read minds." He said sheepishly.

"What. You mean, everything I think, you hear?" I said hoping he was lying. I had just admitted I love him. Someone kill me.

"Dan, wishing for death won't help." He said laughing.

I blushed a tomato color. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I mean i probably just made things weird. And who would love me...I'm not exactly anything great. I felt fingers pull my chin up. I looked up and Phil was starring intently at me.

"Dan you're a twat."

"What, why-"

Phil cut me off by kissing me. He pushed me back onto my bed and sat on my stomache. It doesn't seem like a ghost would be a good kisser, but let me tell ya, he's a better kisser than any other boy I had ever locked lips with.  Their was like static electricity. It actually started to hurt. It felt like every nerve in my body was alive. I couldn't breathe. My lungs were on fire. I was literally getting dizzy. Phil ripped his lips away from mine. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Phil said huridly, while I sat gasping for oxygen. "I'm a ghost, so I don't exactly need air." He said with a blush. I sat on my bed finally getting the stars to go away because the airflow had returned to my lungs. "Phil." I said smiling. "You literally took my breath away."

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