Never Knew I Needed

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Summary: Based on the song Never Knew I Needed by Ne-Yo. Heard it on the end credits of...wait for it....Princess and the Frog. Have this to make up for all my authors notes. There's been a fuck ton of them.

Warnings: Cussing.

WC: 1727

Dan rolled over in his bed, head still fuzzy from the previous moments of precious sleep. He groaned loudly and searched his bedside table for his phone, still not motivated enough to open his eyes fully. He finnaly grabbed the device and brought it close to his face, looking at it through one blurry eye, the other still firmly shut.

He groaned again. Twelve P.M. glared at him. He sighed and slammed his back into the pillow, sighing loudly.

He rolled out of bed, slowly, that way the blood could rush to all his limbs and not cause him to fall onto his face, like he had done so many times before.

He walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. His hair was crumpled and curly. He sighed and grabbed his toothbrush and scrubbed away the remanats of his skunk breath.

Dan entered the lounge, bowl of cereal in hand. He sat down on his sofa crease made from five years of poor posture, cradling his back nicely.

He let out a content sigh and grabbed the telivison remote. He clicked it on and decided on watching the news.

Fire brigade rescues mamoth cat from tree.

Three killed in goat-related incident.

Royal family donates three million dollars to aid children's hospital.

That actually peaked Dan's interest. Dan never knew if it was a publicity stunt, but when rich people actually helped the poor, it made him happy. But for all he knows they could take one picture for the news and leave.

He hoped the Royal family were actually nice people, but he may have been a bit biased. He did have a huge crush on their son. Philip Lester. But, then again, so did every other girl and gay guy in England. He had his face plastered on so many wall's, it rivaled One Direction.

Dan sighed, all the cute people were fictional characters or famous. He went to take another bite of cereal to realize it had gone soggy and gross. Dan groaned.

By two P.M. Dan was ready to film a new video for his channel, Danisnotonfire, he hadn't posted  in about two weeks out of pure procrastination and laziness.

"Hey internet, I have a problem, and it's slightly your fault. Whenever I am in a room with a mirror, and I am alone, I pretend to talk to my YouTube audience. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, 'But IS THiS rEaLLy thaT bIg oF aN IssUe???!?!?!!?' Well, that's the things. If someone walks in, I look fucking crazy."

Dan finished his video, but decided to edit the garbage later.

It was already five o'clock and he was hungry, but his cabinets were vacant of anthing edible.

He sighed and grabbed his phone dialling the number for Chinese takeout. He really needed to make a trip to the shops...soon.

He put in Death Note while He waited. Drumming his fingers along the couch. His phone buzzed, a Twitter notification. He only gets notified if someone he follows tweets.

He swiped across his phone screen and clicked on the notification.

PhilipLester: Really want some Chinese food.

And yes, before you ask, Dan did follow him on Twitter. Philip was hot.

Dan smiled and tweeted back, like the Phil trash he was, his subscribers knew about his crush. He's wasn't discreet at all.

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