Never Knew I Needed Pt. 3

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Warnings: Cussing

WC: 1355

Phil bit his lip and straightened his t shirt out again. He was standing in front of Dans apartment and he was nervous as fuck.

"Are you gonna knock some time today, Phil?" Henry, the body gaurd that was chosen to escort he and Dan, said, sly grin on his face.

"Shut up! I was getting there!" Phil defended, taking a deep breath. He extended his arm and firmly rapped on Dans front door.

Phil could here quick footfalls coming from inside. The door opened, and within seconds, a smiling Dan revealed itself.

Phil sucked in a breath. Dan really was gorgous. His Brown hair was shiny, straitened to a T, the leather jacket he adorned paired well with his way too tight skinny jeans, although Phil wasnt complaining.

Henry nudged Phil, snapping him out of his trance. A light blush had formed on Dans cheeks.

Phil smiled widely, "Ready to go?"

Dan nodded enthusiastically, locking his door before pulling it closed.

"So where are we going?" Dan asked, biting his lip.

Phil was going to faint, there was no way he could survive Dans hotness level.

Phil's mouth was dry, you would think, Phil being a Prince and all, would be used to talking to pretty people, but the sad truth was, Phil was a social wreck. Always has been, always will be.

"I was thinking we could just kinda run about London. I know it's not, like, the best date, but I thought it would be fun. Mostly because you would be there." Phil smiled brightly.


"Mostly because you would be there."

Damn, that was smooth, Dan thought.

He was probably gonna end up barfing into a Bush at some point if Phil kept looking at him like that.

Dan was still in slight denial, he couldn't wrap his mind around the though that this was PHIL FUCKING LESTER. And the occasional 'GOD DAMN HE WAS PRETTY' flew around his mind.

"That sounds pretty amazing, actually." Dan finally replied.

The body gaurd that Phil had been forced to bring led them to a shiny black car.

Phil slid in the back seat, Dan following. "Sorry about Henry." Phil said, motioning toward the man in the front seat. There was a tinted divider that allowed them to have slight privacy. "My dad forced me to take him, didn't want us to get mobbed."

"It's fine." Dan grinned, "Wouldn't want the Pretty Princess getting hurt, now would we?"

Phil narrowed his eyes, but the small smile never left his lips.


"So....what's this place called again?" Phil asked, munching on some fries.

"You're joking, right?" Dan said, eyebrows raised.

"What? They don't let me out of the palace a lot. Liability and all." Phil said, swallowing a bite of his burger.

"It's fucking McDonald's, Phil." Dan replied, only slightly exaggerated.

"Oh my God! This place is on Tumblr all the time! I've always wanted to eat here!" Phil giggled excitedly.

"You're joking right?" Dan deadpanned.

"What? I'm not allowed to have mediocre dreams?" Phil asked, and started eating the Mcflurry Dan recommended he get.

"Isn't this like major peasant food?" Dan questioned.

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