Thanks to Potions Class

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Summary: PLOT TWIST. ITS A HARRY POTTER AU! Hahahaahha I'm so scared I'm sorry J.K. I want to make you proud. I TRIED SO HARD ON THIS OMG, it sucks.

Warnings: Kissing (oh my God...who would have thought.)

WC: 1500

"Stop it." Dan hissed.

"Stop what?"

"Being annoying."

"The only annoying one is your mum."

"Phil, I swear to god, I'm gonna switch partners with somebody else."

"Who would wanna be your partner? I'm the best you're gonna get, lets be real." Phil said, tapping his quill on the desk and receiving glares from his fellow classmates. "Plus, you suck at Potions."

"Phil you're gonna get us in trouble with snape." Dan sighed.

At that time, Professor snape walked in, robes flarring agressively behind him. With a snap of his fingers a fire lit underneath everyone's cauldrons.

"Turn to page 596 in your potions book. Quickly." Snape snapped, standing behind his desk.

Eveyone began to turn pages, slightly afraid of Snape and what this potion might be.

"Amortentia? What the bloody he'll is that?" Dan asked.

"It's a love potion, stupid." Phil snapped back, rolling his eyes at Dan.

Most people are shocked when the realize Dan and Phil are best friends. They act so rude to each other, although Louise blames it on built up sexual tension.

"A very powerful love potion indeed, Mr. Lester. Amortentia is named after a Roman God, Amor. Amor is also The Latin word for love. The word tentia is Latin for held." Snape said walking around the room, glaring at most, smirking at others.

"Can anyone tell me the characteristics of this spell?" Snape asked. "Anyone? Anyone at all."

Phil tentatively raised his hand.

"Ah, Mr. Lester once again. Go on."

"The potion Amortentia is best know for its mother-of-pearl sheen, spiralling steam, and multi-faceted scent, varying on what a person likes." Phil said, as if reciting out of a book.

"Well done, Mr. Lester. Perhaps, your friend," Shape said, eyeing Dan, "Could takes notes from you, Merlin knows he needs them."

"Amortentia causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker or as muggles sometimes call it, love at first sight." Snape slammed a hand down on his desk, making the whole class jump.

"You are now fifth years, most of you are 17. This is an advanced potion, I do not expect a lot- or any of you, aside from a select few, to be able to accomplish this, your small minds, are not yet capable. But, if in fact, you to manage to complete this potion," Snapes eyes wandered around the room, landing on Phil, "You and your partner will take a sip and be overly infatuated with each other until the side effects wear off. Good luck."

"Okay, we need two grackle roots, a xandeing beet, half a bat wing, lojiwees wax, and  hugycruck juice." Phil said, examining the ingredients on the page. "If you go get them, I'll set up the cauldron properly." Dan nodded and walked away to get the ingredients.

"Okay stir clockwise five times, counter clockwise seven times then add the lojiwees wax." Phil directed.

Dan did as followed, "Now what?"

"It says to tap the cauldron three times with your wand," Phil murmured, scanning the page, "and that should be it..." Phil said.

Dan grabbed his wand and tapped the cauldron three times. Suddenly, a light pink (Mother-of-pearl) sheen erupted from the cauldron in a spiralling smokey steam.

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