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Warnings: angst.

Phil stomped through the rain, he didn't even feel the water run down his body. He was completely numb. He could hear Dan's echoing voice calling after him. Telling him to stop, that it didn't mean anything.

Dan innitaited the kiss. Phil saw it happen, he stood there stuck in place, the two martini glasses fell to the ground and shattered.

The noise scared Dan and his friend, they both pulled away blushing. That was until Dan saw Phil. With tears in his eyes. Phil shook his head and legged it out of the club they were in. Phil didn't wanna come out tonight. He had a horrible feeling and now he knows why.

Dan cheated on him. Fucking cheated on him again. A-FUCKING-GAIN.

Dan was running after Phil cursing his stupid actions. Cursing himself for doing this to Phil again.

Phil made it to the apartment and took the steps two at a time and barged through their arpartmemt door.

He didn't bother closing it after. He went to his room and grabbed his suitcase, normally used for happier occasions. He went to his closet and started grabbing clothes. He stuffed his suitcase full before going to the bathroom and getting his toiletries. He grabbed a dufflebag and stuffed his chargers and laptop, along with other miscellaneous items. As he was zipping the duffle up, Dan ran into the room.

Dan looked at the sight in front of him.
"Please don't leave, Phil!" Dan said with tears running down his face.

"That won't work this time." Phil stated icily.

"I-I didn't mean to." Dan lied right to Phil's face.

"Yes you fucking did you fucking ass hole. I watched as you and dipshit played tonsil tennis with each other!! SO DONT YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT. I'VE GIVEN YOU WAY TOO MANY CHANCES. AND YOU JUST KEEP FUCKING HURTING ME!" Phil roared shaking with anger. He punched the wall of his old room and it left a hole, slightly resembling the one in Phil's heart.

"Please Phil! Don't go! It will never happen again!" Dan had snot dripping down his face.

Phil laughed drly. "Huh, haven't heard that excuse before! Now move." Phil said trying to get by Dan who was standing in the doorway.

"Phil please don't do this!!" Dan begged as Phil pushed past him.

"I'm not doing anything Dan. This is all you. Maybe you can bring your bitch back here and makeout. Hell, why don't you just fuck him? Seems like that's what you wanna do anyway!" Phil said clutching the handle of his suitcase tighter.

"Please don't leave me. I can't live with out you, Phil. I love you." Dan said in between his sobs.

"Sure fucking looks like it."

The front door slammed shut.

The apartment was eerily quiet.

Phil was gone for good this time.

The finality of the slamming door ensured that.

Dan was a cheater.

Dan was alone.

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