You're an Idiot.

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Prompt: "Pretty simple but you know how Dan called Connor daddy? How about a part afterwards when Connor leaves and phil's like dodging all the things Dan tries at him? Like he's still being himself and he's nice and adorable but the second Dan tries to cuddle or kiss Phil he just walks away or pretends it never happened. Then Dan is just left confused and you can end it however you want"

Prompt(er): Let me know if this was your idea, my phone won't load the comment. (I emailed the prompt to myself but it doesn't say who commented it.)

Word Count: 1,279

"It was really nice to see you again!" Connor said reaching for the door handle.

"Yeah! Next time you're in England you should stay with us again." I said giving Connor another hug.

"Yeah, it was really fun, but maybe a little less electricity next time." Phil said hugging Connor and smiling.

"I'm definitely gonna take you up on that offer. You guys have been really great. So I'll text you about uploading the videos?" Connor questioned.

"Yeah definitely. It was really nice having you over!" I smiled.

Connors phone buzzed and he glanced at it.

"Well my Taxi"s here guys." Connor said giving each of us a hug.

"See you soon! Have a safe flight!" Phil said calling after him.

Connor exited the apartment after another minute if farewells and we lightly closed the door.

"It was really fun having him over!" I said smiling at Phil.

Phil ran his fingers through his black hair and grinned at me. "Yeah, he's always fun to be around. But he's so tiny!" Phil said making his face scrunch up cutely.

"I know!" I walked over to Phil to hug him but he quickly turned away and walked towards our room.

I stopped and stared at his retreating figure. That was odd. Did he not want to hug me? Maybe he just didn't notice what I was doing.

I shrugged and walked to the kitchen to make tea. I grabbed two mugs and filled one with four teaspoons of sugar and one creamer, just how Phil liked it. I poured the tea in the mugs when it was done, leaving mine plain.

I walked into our room where I thought Phil would be. The bedroom was empty. I searched through the flat until I found Phil in the office editing his new video.

"Hey. Here you go Phil." I said setting his tea down on the coaster beside the mouse pad.

"Thank you." Phil said without even looking at me. Normally if I brought him tea he would give me a kiss.

"Hey Phil do you think you could come cuddle with me? We could watch some anime or a movie or something." I asked trying to persuade him.

"Umm not right now Dan, I really need to edit this. There's a lot of stuff that needs to be cut." Phil said leaning out of the attempted hug I was trying to give him.

"But you just put up a video! I haven't been able to cuddle you since Connor got here!" I whined.

"Not right now Dan. Please, I just really wanna finish this." Phil said his voice was gentle but it still made me feel bad.

"Oh yea...okay." I said walking out of the office.

Did Phil not want to spend time with me anymore. He never denied cuddles. Ever. He was always begging me to cuddle with him.

I sat down in the lounge with my cup of tea that I no longer wanted. I turned the TV on and watched some cooking show lazily.

The whole time I was in the lounge I was wondering what I did to upset Phil. Did I even do anything? Maybe he really did just wanna finish his video. Maybe I'm just thinking it over too much. I'm sure he'll cuddle me when he's done editing. I hope.

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