You and Me

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Summary: Based on the song You and Me by Lifehouse. Dan is struggling. He meets Philly and things get a little brighter. :) btw the beginning reminds me of The Devil Wears Prada, I didn't realize till after though.

Warnings: Cussing and kinda sadness but not rlly.

WC: 2773 bow down to me mother fuckers.

What day is it? And in what month?

This clock never seemed so alive

I can't keep up and I can't back down

I've been losing so much time

Dan layed on his couch, staring at the white ceiling above him. He was exhausted. He had just worked a 12 hour shift at his office. He was a lawyer...begrudgingly.

He wanted money...and he got it, but at what cost? He was dead on his feet half the time. He was surrounded by dull colors, nothing was brilliantly bright anymore. He woke up, looked for loop holes, or bindings in contracts for hours upon end, only to come back to his lifeless flat and make a cup of potnoodle.

He was tired.

He was tired of being bland. He wanted some vibrance. He wanted something other than slow days at the office, something more than boring old men, suing the pants off some innocent human.

He was tired.

A law degree brought him in money, decent money at that...but what's money with no motivation to spend it? No one to spend it with?

Dan looked at the clock, it was a quarter till 2am. He was supposed to be up at 5. He sighed and closed his eyes. He was still in his suit, he loosened his tie and fell asleep on the couch.

He was tired.


Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose

Phil rushed around, gathering his brief case, pulling on a sock with palm trees on it, mismatched to his left taco sock. He attempted to straighten his hair and brush his teeth, only managing to get toothpaste on his clip on tie, he didn't know how to tie a real one.

He finally grabbed his keys and ran toward the tube, he had five minutes to make his train or he would be late for his interview.

He ran down the street, fake tie flapping in the wind. His hair flew in his face, the only downside to having a fringe.

He saw the station and thanked his lucky stars, he had two minutes to board his train.

He rushed by people, muttering quick apologies to the people he bumped.

He made it to his train and flopped down in his seat. What a wonderful day to over sleep. He was interviewing for a law firm today, just to be a secretary though...he honestly gave no fucks about the legal system.

He looked at his phone, thankful he had 30 minutes to regroup and calm down. He was gonna be fine, just fine.


And it's you and me and all of the people

And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

He wasn't fine. Repeat. He was not fine. He was waiting in the lobby, the man who was supposed to interview him worked on the 23rd floor. He was freaking out. His mum had pulled some strings and got him an interview with someone mildy important.

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