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Summary: Above :) Take that universe. Big thanks to @medeahowell

Warnings: Cussing. Jealous!Dan Irritated!Phil Much PHAN. Very FLUFF.

WC: 1551

"Come on!" Phil pleaded.

Dan sighed in annoyance, "Phil, I really don't want to."

Phil looked at his shoes, "But we never go out anymore." His voice was small, eyes downcast and sad.

Dan felt a twinge in his heart. But tried to persuade his boyfriend to stay home. "We can just watch a movie and cuddle..."

Phil scuffed The top of his shoe against the carpet. "That's all we ever do. We haven't been out since we got back from tour."

Dan took in his boyfriends pathetic look. He huffed a loud sigh and moved his laptop to the side. "Fine, just let me change, okay?"

Phil's smile lot up the whole room, his eyes danced brightly in the light of the lounge.

Phil voice was gentle and warm. "Thank you, Dan."

Dan gave a half smile, not really thrilled about their evening plans, but willing to put up with it to see Phil happy.


The beat of a song was thumping in Dans chest. Something by a guy with a deep voice, singing about not dancing. Dan was sitting at a table near the back of a club. The lights flashed brightly making everything turn shades of green and purple. Smoke was thick in the air, making Dan's nose hairs very unhappy.

He was waiting for Phil to come back with their drinks. They had alread downed three fruity drinks each. They had agreed this round would be their last, neither of the two males wanting a headache in the morning.

Dan relaxed back into his booth, stretching his arms out and sighing. He and Phil had been having a good time so far. They had laughed and danced with each other. Phil had pulled Dan close at one point, making him relish in the affection of his boyfriend. Dan had kissed Phil quickly, a smile gracing his features. Phil had looked him in the eyes, and Dan was reminded why he loved Phil. Moments like that. Moment's where they were surrounded by people, but even after seven years, it was just them in their own world.

The club they were at was fancy enough that the chance of a subscriber catching them grinding against each other was rather small. Dan breathed in deeply, the alcohol making him slightly drousy.

He looked at his phone, noticing that Phil had been gone for a while. Dan slid out of the booth, going to search for his boyfriend. He mad his way to the bar, keeping his eyes peeled for a tall mop of black hair. He ran his eyes along the crowded bar, notcing girls and guys a like getting groped by their seat partners.

Dan's eyes finally settled over a familiar body. He smiled until he picked up on the situation. Phil was blushing, whole face red. He was rubbing some guys chest.

Dan narrowed his eyes, feeling his blood boil. He watched the scene for a few seconds more, noticing the man Phil was fondling had an eyebrow arched and smirk on his face.

In Dan's mind he rolled up his invisible sleeves, and prepared for a fight.

In reality he stomped over to a very flustered Phil.

"What the fuck, Phil?" Dan seethed, not noticing the napkins clutched in Phil's hands.

Phil jumped and turned around, immediately smiling when he saw Dan.

"Hey! Sorry, I was being clumsy-"

Dan tuned out Phil when he saw the dirty look he was receiving from the man behind Phil. The guy was tall, like Dan, with blonde hair styled into a quiff.

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