The Invite

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(Soobin looked at us with a blank expression)
"What were you two doing here, when you guys should be eating food?" (He asked looking at Mark)

"Oh Yeah! Y/n was asking me to join you guys at the cafeteria..but since I have some work to do....I have to be in the class...So Bye. I'll see ya later."
(Mark gave a small wave and left immediately)

(Aishhh! Is it only me who noticed the awkwardness?? I looked at soobin, he didn't seem to notice. Or maybe he did, but it didn't bother him.)

"Okay, So Mark's out. You're coming to the cafeteria with me right?"

"..Yeah. let's go." (I said with a shrug)

"You okay?" (He asked seeing that my energy was low)

Soobin POV

"Huh?....yeah no, I'm alright. I'm just tired from Painting. Plus I'm dying to eat something, so let's go to the cafeteria right now. Don't waste any more time." (Y/n said as she ran out of the class and into the hallways)

(I chuckled at her behavior)
(I suddenly saw her painting from the corner of my eyes. She had even signed it)

"Such A Pretty painting. A girl connecting with the moon. Y/n must really love talking to the moon. I see her eyes glistening everytime she looks or smiles at the moon. So beautiful...."

(I took a picture of her Art from my phone. And left the class to go to the cafeteria)

(Wow I ran really fast. I managed to buy alot of snacks)
(I opened the bag and removed the burger and started eating. Soobin wasn't there behind me, So I thought he must be talking to Felix or Yeongho.....Or maybe I ran and left him behind. So I walked through the hallway and I noticed Mark's class. I thought he might need some help....I looked through the door and saw Mark asleep.)

(Seriously?-_- This guy says he's busy with alot of work, is this the work he was talking about?!) (Then even I'm busy as hell)
(I sighed and walked to his seat)
(I lightly tapped his shoulder)
(He looked up at me and then suddenly sat up straight in shock m)

(I removed a sandwich from my snack bag and gave it to him)

"You NEED to eat. We have Physical Education next."

(I looked down)
"Y/n....I Can't-"

(I looked up at her.)
(She was glaring daggers at me, so I just shut up and took her sandwich)
"thanks..." (I mumbled and took a bite)

(She suddenly sat next to me)
"(clears throat) um....Mark. If something's bothering you, you know you can talk to me. If you are going through something, you can always trust me. I'll always be there to lend an ear."
(She assured me)

(I was touched by what she said. She's such a kind hearted person. She deserved the world. She deserves the best in her life. I feel guilty and horrible for keeping such a big secret from such a beautiful angel)

"Thank you, Y/n....But Don't worry about me...I'll be fine. You're a great friend and I'm glad I have you in my life..." ( I smiled weakly)

"So am I. Call me whenever you need, okay? And I'll be there asap."

(I nodded my head) "I appreciate it"

"I'll get going now. See you in the next class. (She said before leaving the class room)


(I suddenly dashed into Soobin in the hallway)

"Oh Jeez! Y/n. Be careful."

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now