The Past Repeats

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(Once Jack came back from his meeting with his psychiatrist, he rubbed the temples of his forehead. I went over to Jack after waiting for him for almost an hour.)

"Is everything okay, Jack?"
(I asked concerned)

"Ah N-no It's Me now....Felix. I'm fine, don't worry."

(I hugged him and apologized.)
"Y/n. Relax...You don't have to apologize. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you." (He said hugging me back tightly)

" (He said hugging me back tightly)

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"Thank You Felix....for saving me. I don't know what would've happened to me if it wasn't for you."

(I then made him lay down on his bed comfortably)

"So What happened while I was gone? Did Jack do something or-"

"Well it was quite chaotic, at first. Jack was like a squirrel and we were the cats chasing after him. Emma, Soobin and Yeongho, they literally ran the whole forest looking for him. But then Jack became sort of obedient because I saved him from getting shot by Neville and Naomi. Turns out he was still looking for Naya...."

"Wait....What?! He almost got himself killed? No he almost got me killed! Wow...Y/n, I seriously can't thank you enough... I owe you big time."

"You don't owe me anything, Felix. You have done so much for me is Jack gone?"
(I asked)

"No not yet....I need to attend some more sessions to let go off them. I guess they were lost in my subconscious mind but that injury caused them to come out. It reminded me of my abusive past."

(I looked down) "I am so sorry. If I could go back in time I would push you away and not let you get hurt."

"Please don't. I'm going to be alright."

(Just then, Emma came towards us.)

"Did you go to the psychiatrist? Are you still Jack?"

(Felix chuckled) "Yes I did and No, I'm Felix now."

(Emma squealed) "Yay I'm relieved. Jack was so dark and cold. He gave me goosebumps. Don't tell Jack I said that." 👀

(I went to Marks room to check up on him.)
(He was just laying in bed and looking out of the window.)
(His room was bright, small with a window that gave him a view of the city, A table for him to sit and eat, A washroom and an air conditioner.)


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