A Change Of Plans

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Soobin POV
(while waiting outside the room. I looked around the place and I just happened to look down and noticed Neville entering the hospital from the ground floor and going into the elevator.)

"Oh shit." (I quickly entered back into the room)

"Guys Neville's here. We need to go before he catches us."

Y/n Pov
(We didn't have much time with Naomi to find out everything)

"Okay we need to get out" (said Mark)

"Let's hurry." (Felix said panicking.)

"Please don't tell Neville about this." (Yeongho begged Naomi)"We'll help you in whatever you need, I swear."

(Naomi shrugged In 'sure')

"thank you." (Yeongho exclaimed and caught her hand) " I'm trusting you."

(Before I was about to leave, Naomi tore a page, crumpled it and put it in the palm of my hand.)

(Her eyes said so much, I wish I could read her mind.)

(We immediately left the room and took the stairs down before Neville could see us.)

(Once we got into Mark's car we sighed relieved.)
"You don't think Naomi will tell Neville right?" (Mark asked)

"I don't think so. She seemed like she needed help. We can stand by her side. We need to know her side of the story too."
(Yeongho justified)

(We finally got home)
"Since there's poisonous gas in my home I'm going to stay at my other house." (Soobin informed us.)

"Ohh right. I understand. I'll help you pack." (I suggested)

"No Y/n. I can't let you go inside. I don't want you breathing that poisonous air."
(Soobin told me.)

(Yeongho and Felix were whispering something which left me suspicious.)

"Mark, you help me pack." (Soobin suggested)
"Oh Sure. It's okay if I breathe the poison huh." (Mark rolled his eyes)

"Jeez" (Soobin facepalmed)

(After Soobin and Mark were done packing, He got in his car ready to leave.)

"What about your mom and brothers?" (Felix asked)

"Hyung is staying with his friends till Monday, woobin has gone for his piano classes. I'll call hyung and ask him to take care of woobin. Mom is staying at her workplace overnight, she has her own dorm there and plans on finishing her work fully so that she gets holidays for the next few days."

"Okay Seems like so far you can manage." (Mark said)

(Soobin nodded and then came to hugg me)
"I'll see you tomorrow okay? Take care." (He kissed my forehead then got in the car)

(After he left, Yeongho invited the others inside the house.)

"Y/n I need to tell you something. This is very important and now that Soobin isn't here, it's the right time to tell you." (Felix said concerned)

(I look at him eagerly waiting for what he has to say)

"I'm afraid that what Emma said, the day we found her injured and took her to the hospital, the things she told us, T-they might be....no they are true."

"what are you trying to say?" (I said confused)

"You know, all the things she said about Soobin....she was right Y/n."
(Yeongho said seriously)

(I remained frozen as I got flashbacks about the day Emma told me about Soobin.)
"wait...no this can't be happening.
(I said unable to breathe properly as this came out so sudden and unexpected)

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