New Girl

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"On second thought, I'll join you for dinner." (Soobin said grabbing my hand and started running towards the entrance of my house.)

(I pushed the door open and saw Yeongho and Neville were sitting on the couch and hanging out.)

"Oh Hey there, Y/n. And Soobin."
(Neville waved)

"Hey! You're back. Join us, Neville cooked!" (Yeongho said enthusiastically)

"Really?" (Me and Soobin said confused)

(Yeongho went to the kitchen to grab a plate and fill his glass with more water.)

(I followed Yeongho in a fast pace, while Soobin sat on a chair and decided to start a friendly conversation with Neville) " long do plan on staying here..?

Meanwhile "Yeongho, Yeongho listen listen

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"Yeongho, Yeongho listen listen." (I tapped his shoulder)

"Jeez! What?" (He turned around)

"Was Neville with you just before we entered?"(I asked)

"Yeah duh. He can't just disappear and then suddenly appear when you come." (Yeongho said) "why? Are you worried because he's a suspect?"

"Well...." (I tilted my head)

"I had a feeling that you'll feel this way. So when I was helping him unpack I checked for clues that might lead to him being the secret admirer. But I couldn't find any evidence. Then when he left to go to the bathroom, I checked his phone.....which I know is totally inappropriate.....but your number or contact wasn't present in his phone. So you got nothing to be anxious about. He's a good friend of mine."

"Wow Really? Thanks dudeee!" (I jumped up and hugged him)

"Alright, alright let's go eat."

[The next day]
(I woke up and went downstairs)

(Neville was cooking breakfast)
"Good morning, Y/n. Did you sleep well?" (He asked politely)

"Good morning to you, Neville. I slept well. Thanks for asking. You're cooking breakfast?" (I tilted my head sideways)

"Yes, its the least I could do since you guys have been so nice in letting me stay with you in your lovely home."
(He smiled)

"Oh, You don't have to do anything for us. We're happy to have you."

"please, it'll make me relieved knowing that I showed you two my gratitude." (Neville said as he handed me a plate of sandwiches)

"Thank you. These look delicious"
(I took the plate and sat in front of the TV)

"Also, I received some news about our school. It's result day, today. Maybe when Yeongho wakes up, we can go to school together and collect our results." (He suggested)

(I nodded in agreement) "Sounds good."
(I opened my phone and texted Soobin also to come along with us)

(He replied within seconds with, "I'm on my way")
(The moment I put my phone down, the door bell rang.)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now