Find The Way

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(I sat inside soobins car and he drove back to the house.)

(I was intimidated by his presence. After being caught I knew he wouldn't let me out of his sight.)

(Escaping is not as easy as I thought. There's no one to help me and thats why I need to rely on myself.)

(Why couldn't Soobin have slept a little longer, I could've been saved.)
(I wish I could make him unconscious...
how would I do that.)

(We reached back to the house. I sighed...i felt anxiety rising within me. What was soobin going to do to me?)

(He got out of the car and then opened the car door for me)
(I immediately got out and followed behind soobin into the house)
(The second I entered, Soobin harshly pushed me, pinning me against the door)

"Soobin I-"
(He didn't let me speak and cut me off with a rough kiss.)

"You are really testing my patience right now. It's like you're begging me to punish you.....Sometimes it's just so hard to keep you inside the house, that I feel like tying you up and locking you inside a room. But All I'm asking is for a fresh start. That's what I need."

(His hands slid down my waist, holding me tight as he started kissing my neck.)

Yeongho POV
(Everyone was prepared to leave. We all got to the train station along with our luggage.)

"The trains going to leave in half an hour. Lets go." (SuHo said in a hurry)

"Where's our train?" ( I said looking around)

(Mark went to ask the conductors to find the train we're supposed to be on) (A conductor directed Mark to the platform we were searching for.)

"It's this train right here. Get in"
(Mark shouted)

(We all took our stuff, ran inside and found our seats

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(We all took our stuff, ran inside and found our seats.)

"How long will it take to reach Gyeongju-si?" (Felix asked)

"um...It would take about 13-14 hours or longer, depending on the speed of the train." (I told him)

"Okay. Do you know where exactly in Gyeongju-si you can find Y/n?"
(Felix asked me)

"Not exactly but we'll figure it out."

(Soon after, the train began heading to our destination)

(Most of us went to sleep since the ride was long.)

"Felix, aren't you going to sleep?" (I asked him)

"I'm not tired"


(If I fall asleep, Felix might wake up and I can't let that happen.)

(I was worried Soobins plan was going to fail and I'd end up facing terrible consequences. Was there a way I could have prevented them from getting onto the train? I can atleast tell Soobin what's going on. He can't say I didn't warn him)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now