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"That's good. Keep an eye out on these people and let me know what their next move is so I can be prepared."
(Soobin ordered)

"Yes sir. Tae-ho is at the door by the way."

(Soobin nodded and went out of the room)

"Felix...?" (I said hesitantly)

"It's Josh..."

"Oh...Thank God. I had a feeling Felix wouldn't betray us." (I sighed in relief)

"Can I get you something? Water maybe?" (Josh asked politely)

"Um..Yes please."

(Josh locked the door after leaving the room.)

(There's no point in asking him for help when he's following soobins order, but let's see I have to try something.)

(When Josh returned he handed me the glass of water)

"Thank you, Josh."

"My pleasure"

"Will you help me?" (I asked)

"To escape? I wish I could but Soobin doesn't trust me enough so he will suspect something. He's already threatening me to the core where I can't make a single mistake or I'm dead. I'm kinda trapped too."
(Josh looked down)

"You're right. I'm sorry."
(I said as I drank the water.)

(Just then Soobin and Tae-ho came into the room)
(Tae-ho noticed me instantly and raised an eyebrow)
"Just when I thought you were preparing to be in a healthy relationship, you do something like this." (He looked back at Soobin)

"Hey I can't turn back time now. There's no way to make this right."
(Soobin rubbed his forehead in frustration)

"Do you mind telling me exactly what your plan is?" (Taeho raised an eyebrow)

"Um...I guess we'll find out. And I'm hoping that you'll help me figure this out?"

"In order to do that, I need to understand this situation too."
(Taeho said crossing his arms and looking at me with an emotionless expression)

(He sighed)
(Then Soobin came and sat next to me.) "I want us to live together Y/n. I bought this beautiful house for us."

"Ok...Are we ignoring the fact that you kidnapped me and lied about your identity?"

"I regret what I did. But if you just live with me you'll see, you will love it. There's a huge mansion waiting for us."

"What the hell? No way. I would nev-"

"It's a great place where we can even get married." (Soobin spoke casually while I choked on my own saliva)

"Are you okay princess?"
(I shook my head unable to process what he told me)
(Soobin ran out of the room and came back in a few minutes with a glass of water)

(Once he handed it to me I drank it while Soobin slowly patted my back.)

(I cleared my throat.)
"I don't think I want to go anywhere with you."
(I said sternly)

"See, I told you she doesn't want this."
(Taeho said with a smirk)

"I know that already. We are taking her anyway" (Soobin said in his deep voice which made me feel a little frightened)

"You can't do that Soobin. I will not allow you to do this to me. I am going to escape from you, one way or another"
(I said giving him a death glare.)

(Soobin stood up and scoffed)
"But We're leaving today."

(I stood up after him, almost tripping but I managed to balance myself)
"Make me!"

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now