The Hunt

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(I explained everything to Soobin, from the start to the end)

"You're not mad at me, are you?"
(I asked tensely)

Soobin POV

"No, of course not, my princess. This is not your fault. We'll solve this problem calmly. Show me the letters he gave you, I'll try to inspect the letters and texts."

(Y/n smiled) "Okay. Thank you for understanding."

"I'm your boyfriend. It's my job to make sure you're okay. If you ever go through anything, just talk to me and let me take care of it, okay?"

(She nodded cutely and opened her bag and removed the letters)

(After she handed them to me, I read them)
(Y/n asked me if I wanted to eat lunch.)

(I agreed as I had nothing prepared at home.)
(Yeongho entered the house)

"Where were you?" (I asked Yeongho while preparing food)

"Detention. Soobin stayed for few minutes and left! Left because he was bored. Do you know how brutal it was over there, alone? The teacher made me clean the corridors" (Yeongho complained)

(I laughed and so did Soobin)

"So? Did you want my company or something?" (Soobin chuckled)

"God No! I just think its not fair that I had to waste my time at school, while you can just leave without anybody knowing."

"I agree with you. But I don't care:)" (Soobin smiled)

(Yeongho rolled his eyes)
"Whatever! Just give me some food so I can surpress my anger"

(I got the plates ready and put food in it) (Yeongho immediately snatched the plate.)

"So what are you doing?" (Yeongho asked as he sat down on the couch and looked at what Soobin was reading)

"Reading" (Soobin gave an obvious answer.)

(Yeongho also started reading it.)
"Did you get a love letter?" (Yeongho asked Soobin surprised)

(Soobin looked at Yeongho In disbelief)
(I answered)
"No, its mine. Someone wrote them for me."

(As I was reading the letters he wrote, my blood was boiling. I already knew that, when I meet this guy, I'm gonna attack him. I felt like taking a knife and stabbing him.)

(I know I said I would handle this situation calmly but......I guess I was wrong.)

(I must find out who this guy is)

(I cleared my throat and asked Y/n to show me the texts he sent her)
(She handed me her phone and I read through it.)

(This person thinks he's too smart. Wait till he meets me. He'll wish he never wrote these letters)

TimeSkip (The Next Day)

(Me and Soobin went to school, this time Soobin stayed next to me while I opened my locker)

(As expected, there was a letter in it)
(The pattern of the letter was just like yesterday, Red with a butterfly)

(I looked at Soobin)
(We both spoke) "CCTV camera."

(We ran to the security room)
(Soobin asked the guard if he can show us the footage from half an hour ago.)
(He allowed us to check the footage of the lockers)

(Soobin checked the timings between 1 hour till now.)

"Where's the video footage at 7:30?"
(Soobin asked confused as it was missing. The footage directly skips from 7:30 to 8:00 without showing what happened during that time. )

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now