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A/N's Note

Just a heads up. This chapter is a bit longer than all my other chapters.
It's fun. Enjoy.
Y/n Pov
7 days later.

(It was the first day of school. So Me and Soobin decided to go walking together just like before.)

"Are you excited to go to school?"
(Soobin asked me)

"I don't know...I'm actually kinda nervous. Only If everything goes well today, then It'll be exciting." (I exhaled)

"Don't worry. Today will go great for you. You are like a human lucky charm, you know? And I'll be there with you. Hopefully we have the same subjects and classes together." (He crossed his fingers 🤞🏻)

(While walking, Someone called our names from behind, we turned around together)

"Hi Neville." (I said out loud as Neville ran in our direction)

"Ugh Why is this idiot coming here?"

(I rolled my eyes at Soobin) "It doesn't matter. He's already headed this way."

(Then Neville caught up to us)

Soobin Pov
(I sighed silently as Neville came in between us. And he just wouldn't stop going....blah blah blah. I mean please, just shut up and move aside.)

(Now He and Y/n are talking and I feel like I'm the third wheel.)

"I heard a new hotel opened up down town, we should go and eat there sometime. It will be great. I heard the view is fantastic."

( he flirting? Is he asking her out? Please, someone tell me if he's gay! Only then would My mind be at ease)

"Hellllllo Guyssss!" (someone shouted from behind us)
(I didn't even have to look behind cause I got the clue)

"Hey Naomi..." (Y/n and Neville replied)

Y/n Pov
(Naomi came up to us and smiled)
(It looked like she forced herself to smile)
(She walked next to Soobin, and started talking to him asking him questions, while Neville spoke to me)

"We have almost reached school. Yeongho is still packing his bag. I hope he doesn't arrive late" (Neville chuckled)

( I tried to pay attention to what Neville was saying but I kept finding myself distracted by Naomi and Soobin)

Soobin Pov
(Naomi kept asking me these questions and tried to get to know me, which was mentally exhausting)

"Okay, question number 3. What is the most boring activity imaginable?"

(I silently mumbled) "Listening to you talk."

(She didn't hear me clearly) "Huh?"

"climbing a mountain" (I corrected)

"OMG Me.Too." (She said excited)

(Once we made it to school, we collected our schedules and went to class)

Y/n Pov

(This time, Soobin, Mark and I had the same class together)
(We high-fived each other)

(Slowly, more students started entering the class)

(I noticed this one girl, that had just walked in. She looked quite familiar)
(I stood up from my seat)
"Emma?" (I called out)

(She smiled as she saw me.)
"Y/nnn!" (She ran and hugged me)

"How have you been?" (I asked)

"Doing amazing now that I saw you. You look great, by the way." (She said while taking a seat next to mine)
"So do you."

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now