Ice Cream Date

316 12 11

Time skip

(The class representative  announced that the teacher has gone for a meeting and won't be coming to class for the time being.)

(I looked at Soobin and pointed at the door)
(Soobin smiled and nodded)

(Soobin stood up first, then left the class, I waited a minute and then got up from my seat

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(Soobin stood up first, then left the class, I waited a minute and then got up from my seat.)
(Yeongho grabbed my wrist.)
"Where do you think you're heading?"
(He eyed suspiciously.)

"Out to eat."

"Eat what?"


"Ooh can I join?"

"Did someone say ice-cream?"
(Felix turned around )

"Nope. Stay here, all of you. Call me in case the teacher comes back." (I stated)

"Awww. I want ice-cream."
(Felix pouted)

"I'll bring back Ice cream cake for you."
(I said with a smile)

"Yayyyy!" (Felix exclaimed)

"Ayyy What about me?"
(Yeongho asked confused)"I want one too, you know?"

"Get it yourself."(I said with a scoff and left the class)

Time skip
( Me and Soobin sneakily left the school and ran to the ice cream parlour)

(I took a seat along with Soobin and opened the menu)

(I ordered cookies and cream, while Soobin picked Chocolate.)

(The waiter asked us) "Is it for here or to go?"

"ah This is to have here. And also Can you give me an ice cream cake, mint choco and vanilla ice-cream to go?"
(I asked the waiter)

"Sure." (The waiter smiled before leaving)

"It's for Felix, Yeongho and Mark."
(I explained to Soobin)"Yeongho made me tell him where I was going. And the others over heard me. I don't wanna be rude."

(Soobin nodded) "You're right. It's nice to bring back something for them."
(He smiled) "You're coming for dinner at my house tonight right? My old house. We can watch movies together. It'll be like a movie night."
(Soobin offered)

"That sounds fun. Pick me up at 7."
(I said excitedly)

(Our Ice-cream arrived)
(I immediately tasted it.)
"hmm Delicious."

"Yeah it is." (Soobin agreed)

"Today Me and Yeongho are going to cycle around the neighborhood. I found our old cycles yesterday in the garage. Yeongho had them repaired. And we're going to use it. Neither of us have been exercising, that's why we're going to go around the town. You wanna join us. Felix and Mark already agreed to join. What about you? You can bring your friends too."

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now