Any evidence?

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(I was curious as to what Y/n and Soobin were talking about)

(Me and Mark sat at the reception and drank coffee)

"Should We tell Y/n what we know?"
(I asked Mark)

"What do you mean 'we'? I am not going to do anything. Soobin already threatened me. But he doesn't know that you know. So you can tell Y/n but don't mention anything about me."

"Aish fine.....wait what did you say just now? He threatened you?
(I said shocked)

(Mark suddenly realized what he spoke)
"Ah no nothing....i haven't slept well so I'm just blabbering. Don't pay attention to what I'm saying haha."

(I eyed him suspiciously. His behavior was odd and I doubt it's because of the coffee.)

(Then a doctor came over and informed us that Y/n, Felix and Mark could return home but Felix would have to attend psychotherapy three times a week.)

(We thanked him for his help and went to tell Y/n the news)

(Soobin was on his knees begging me to not break up with him as he could sense that I was going to do exactly that.)

(He kept making me feel so guilty. I had tears rolling down my eyes)

"Stay with me, Y/n. I'll be a better boyfriend, a better person. I'm ready to be the boyfriend you deserve. I'll fix all my wrong doings, I promise. I'll do anything you say, just be with me. You know we're meant to be together right? Please Don't separate us. Our relationship means the world to me."

(My feelings were being controlled by Soobin's words. I wish I knew what was the right thing to do. Oh My heart wants him so bad. Should I? Or should I not?)

"I n-need time to t-think...Soobin..."

"O-okay I understand...b-but please...Don't make me wait too long...i miss you so much..."

(I helped him to stand upright)

(He Then hugged me, while sniffing and sobbing as his hands on my waist tightened)

(I felt like wrapping my arms around his neck but I stopped myself, he made me feel so comfortable despite his insanity and my anger.)

(My phone suddenly started ringing. I pulled away from Soobin to check my pocket.)
(It's Emma, I said looking at the callers Id)

"I need to go..." (I said to Soobin before leaving the room)

(I answered the call as I walked towards Yeongho and Felix who were coming my way.)

"Yeah Emma?"

"I just came to know, Naomi is in this hospital I just saw her in one of the rooms on the third floor. They have bandaged her up and I'm pretty sure I heard the doctors say theres internal bleeding."

"Oh my...(I gasped) I feel so bad..."

"Also...Neville is nowhere to be found. The police said the whole cabin was vacant when they got there, only Naomi was found."

"This sounds quite wierd...I feel really bad. I hope Neville doesn't find us. But he may come here if he finds out his sister is here." (I said worried)

"Y/n. We can leave today. The doctor told me we can go back home."
(Yeongho said with a smile)

"Oh my God Really?" (I said with a sigh of relief)

(Mark nodded.)

(I told Emma that we can go home today and she seemed happy to pack up her things.)

(We all went to our respective hospital rooms and packed up all that we had, before putting it in the trunk of Felix's car)
(Then I went to café and ordered a coffee to go. I collected it immediately once it was prepared.)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now