Secret Admirer 2

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(As the bell rings, we rush to our class)

(Soobin and Yeongho received detention for running in the hallways)

Time skip
(We were at the cafeteria, I was waiting for Soobin, because apparently, Yeongho annoyed him again.)

"Y/n, Aren't you gonna eat?" (SuHo asked)

"I'm full. I had a lot for breakfast."
(I replied)

"Did you know I saw You and Yeongho on TV few days ago. About the fair...."
(Elex spoke)

"Oh You did? Did they ever figure out who the teenage boy was?"
(I asked curiously)

"Yeah they did...I can't recall the name well. It's not a Korean name. I guess it's a Chinese name. Din- no, I don't think's not easy to remember..."
(Neville answered)

(I nodded in understanding, I was about to speak but Soobin entered the cafeteria followed by Yeongho.)

"Where were you?" (I asked Soobin)

"At the infinite garden...."
(Soobin said calmly)

"Infi- wait you chased Yeongho down the street?"

"What was I supposed to do? He literally ran outside the school, he even ran inside my house and then he went to your house and then he ran into the ice cream parlour and then the infinite garden. I didn't wanna give up so soon." (Soobin explained)

"This guy is insane. I was this close👌🏻to running into the forest." (Yeongho said frustrated.)

"You BOTH are insane. Like intensely insane." (Felix spoke)

"Thank you!" (I said as Felix spoke what was in my mind)

"I may be insane but at least I'm hot." (Soobin winked)

(I chuckled) "I'll agree with that statement."

(Soobin smirked and sat next to me)

(Neville asked)
"Can one of you tell me how to do yesterday's maths homework? I don't mean to sound like a nerd but I have maths class next and I've been trying to finish this for a long time. But somehow it's not right."

"Oh God! Maths Homework!!"
(Y/n and Felix shouted at the same time) "Jeez I'll get my books and come back." (She said hurriedly)

(They both got out of the seat and ran to their lockers)

(Mark started helping Neville to solve the maths problems)
(There's something weird about Neville) (He looks completely normal, acts normal too, but he has a very odd vibe. That makes me uncomfortable.)
(The way he stared at Y/n without blinking makes me feel like he's beginning to like her.)

(Maybe I'm over thinking this. I could be mistaken too. Even that guy Alex or Elex, whatever it is. He looks like he's hiding something. Maybe he's a bit similar to Neville but still different at the same time......What am I doing? Why am I worried? Why should I be worried? They know I'm with Y/n. It's not like they want to steal her. I'm sure they just think she's cool.)


(I opened my locker and Felix asked me, while removing his books)

"Are you gonna tell Soobin about the letter you received this morning?"

"No, it doesn't mean anything. He doesn't need to know. It was probably only 1 letter. It's over. I guess that person just had to say what he had to say and that's it. I doubt I'll receive anything more. Plus that person should've figured out that I'm with Soobin." (I explained to Felix)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now