Dangerous Mission

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Emma POV
(I was in Marks room, making sure he was doing alright.)

"What about your head? Did Jack cause any injuries?" (Mark asked)

"Oh Nothing too serious. His hit did cause a bit of a headache, but the doctor said I'll be fine by tomorrow." (I answered)

"Well, That's a relief. I-"

(Just then Felix entered the room)
"Oh Hello Mark and Emma."

"Hey there, Felix." (I waved)

"Felix. Are you okay? How are you doing now?" (Mark asked while adjusting himself to sit upright.)

"I guess I'm doing well so far. I'm not supposed to be out of my bed but I'm so bored being in one place for so long." (Felix sighed)

"Yeah tell me about it

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"Yeah tell me about it. I can't even get out of bed. But it's sort of relaxing to peacefully lay in bed." (Mark chuckled)

"That's because your room is much more fancier than mine. I'll be visiting your room most of the time because it feels luxurious and I like it."

(Mark laughed.) "Okay You can. It'll be nice to have some company"

"Anyways, Have you guys seen Soobin anywhere?" (Felix asked)

"He was here like 10 minutes ago but then he went after Y/n." (Mark answered)

"Yeah, I saw her talking to him just by the hallway. I thought to give them some privacy and that's why I came here." (I added)

"Ohh Okay Thanks Emma and Mark. I'll see you later." (Felix waved.)

Felix Pov

(I walked through the hallways, keeping an eye on the people passing by, hoping my doctor doesn't see me walking around here.)

(Just then I saw Soobin and Y/n in the distance. I wanted to go over to them but I stopped myself. Soobin seemed to be crying and Y/n wouldn't even look at him. I did not want to get involved in their drama. But I wanted to know what was happening, so I listened intently as I sat on a chair next to a water filter making me almost unnoticeable.)

"I-I can prove it Y-Y/n. I'll f-fix everything I did wrong. Give me One day, Please. By tomorrow you will thank me, you'll see." (Soobin begged)

"How would that be possible? What are you going to do huh? Go back in time and not kiss Naomi? Even so, that wouldn't change a single thing."

"I'm begging you, Just let me do my best to make things right. I know I can, I will." (Soobin said genuinely)

(Y/n sighed as she couldn't take it anymore.)
"Ughh....fine. Don't make things worse for me. I'm giving you one day and that's it. And if you still can't, that's your loss and your fault."
(She spoke and turned around, she looked up at the ceiling thinking about her decision. I couldn't tell whether Y/n was regretting it or just wanting to give up.)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now