Mission Accomplished

218 12 57

Late Evening

Yeongho's Pov

"Okay, Remember what you have to do, Felix. Keep an eye on Soobin. He should be leaving soon. Right now he's on the phone."

"alright. What do we do once he leaves?" (Felix asked)

"We will follow him."

"And then..?"

"Oh..... I hadn't really thought about that." (I scratched my head.)

(Felix facepalmed and walked away)

"Where are you going? (I yelled)

"To get an idea from Mark." (Felix spoke)

"Ah okay. He'll be better at telling us a good plan." (I followed behind Felix)


(Felix and Yeongho came running into my room)

"Mark!" (Yeongho called out with a serious voice.)

"Hi Mark..." (Felix smiled and waved)

" (Felix smiled and waved)

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"Um...H-Hello Yeongho & Felix"
(I said confused)

"We have something important to tell you." (Yeongho announced)

"O-Oh Okay?"

(Yeongho and Felix began explaining the whole story, leaving me stunned)

"So?" (Felix looked at me with hope)

"So.....what?" (I asked)

"we need a plan damn it!" (Yeongho said impatiently)

"A plan for what? To prevent the murder? To get Soobin arrested? To keep it a secret? To confront Soobin?" (I questioned)

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"A plan for what? To prevent the murder? To get Soobin arrested? To keep it a secret? To confront Soobin?" (I questioned)

"Anything. Just give us anything." (Yeongho begged)

"Ohhhh okay. Give me a minute and I'll tell you what to do." (I said as I closed my eyes for a second.)

(I went to the cafe nearby to get some coffee for Me and Emma)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now