Move In

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Y/n's POV
(I was starting to gain consciousness after feeling like as if I was in a coma. I could feel the soft bed I was resting on. There was a hand caressing my hair from behind me, I felt the breath hitting my neck, as soon as my eyes opened...I tried to figure out where I was.)

(This place is unfamiliar to me....who's behind me?)
(I turned my face and neck to get a look behind me, only to be met with Soobins dark eyes staring into my soul.)

(His eyes then lit up and he smiled excitedly) "Good morning Princess"

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(His eyes then lit up and he smiled excitedly)
"Good morning Princess"

(I quickly sat upright and began hyperventilating)
" I!?!?!"
(Soobin sat along with me)
"Listen i-"

"What did you do, Soobin!?"

"Y/n I just-"

"No I don't want to hear your foolish reasons. Get me out of here!!"

"Hear me-"


"I CAN'T!" (Soobin stood up and spoke furiously)
(I flinched at his voice but recollected myself)
"What do you mean you can't?!"
(I yelled back)

"We are far away from home. You'll never find your way back. This is where we're living. Get used to it."
(Soobin said sternly and left the room)

(I was with Yeongho And Mark. We were discussing on how we can help Y/n)
(Neville brought his friends SuHo and Elex)

(Neville said Elex was hacker and he can get Soobins location immediately)

"How are you going to do that?" (I asked.)

"For that I need Soobins phone number" (Elex said turning on his laptop)

(I stared at the hacking system that Elex opened on his laptop.) (I should inform this to Soobin incase they do actually find his location)

Yeongho's POV
"Felix, can you give Elex Soobin's number?"


"Um..Felix? You ok" (I called out his name twice)

"huh? Oh yeah, what?" (Felix looked at me dumbfounded as if he forgot his name)

"Soobins you have it?" (Mark asked)

"Ah Yes I do." (Felix smiled and took out his phone)

"+82 6929428805."

(Elex typed in that number but it wasn't tracking it.)

"Why is it not showing me his location?"

Josh POV
(I guess Soobin has his phone switched off) (phew I'm relieved)

"Soobin has more than one phone. I'll check if I have his other number" (Yeongho announced)

(I sighed in frustration. I can't let them find out I'll be killed. No they aren't that smart to figure it out.)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now