A FUN FAIR (Chapter 4)

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[Important announcement for everyone]
There is a problem with the wattpad's system. This is not the chapter that was supposed to be here. The chapter has been mixed up. The next part that you should be reading is the one you see once you scroll to the next page, it is called "a wonderful kiss." Then comes this chapter "A fun fair."

[Just a heads up!! This Chapter is really long. I just didnt know where to stop. But this is gonna be really fun]

(The moment I opened the door, Yeongho stood there while crossing his arms and tapping his feet)

"What Took you so long?!"

"Geez relax Mom. I was just hanging out with my boyfriend." (I said as I flung my bag onto the couch)

(Yeongho hit me with a cushion)
"No, what were you two doing together? Aren't the both of you supposed to be meeting at the fair Huh?"

"Chill, bro. He just took me to his house.....-" (I explained)
(Yeongho nodded, relieved)

"And we kisse-"

(Yeongho looked at me shocked)
"How dare you! You actually left me here, alone and hungry to go and make out with a guy?!"

"I'm sorry! I was thinking of you the whole time! Bazinga! I'm Just kidding haha. As If I would think about you when I'm with soobin...I don't even think about you, When I'm with you!"
(I said while laughing but Yeongho was fuming. Looks like he was about to hit me with a chair.)

(I cleared my throat) "um....I'll go make something to eat..." (I said as I walked to the kitchen)

Timeskip 4 PM
(I searched my closet and removed the outfits I liked) (I made a decision and picked my favorite one)

Timeskip 4 PM(I searched my closet and removed the outfits I liked) (I made a decision and picked my favorite one)

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(By 4:30 I was ready, Yeongho was prepared too.)

(Felix called me and then I answered)
On the phone
"Hey Y/nniee ! Are You & Yeongho readyyy?"

"Yesssss! What about you?" (I said excitedly)

"I've been ready since 4. I'm leaving my house now. I'll reach the fair in about 5 - 10 minutes."

(I looked outside my window and saw Soobin)
"Oh Soobin's here. So I guess we'll be leaving now too. I'll see you there."

"Okayy Byee"
Call ended

(Me and Yeongho locked the door of the house and went outside)

"Soobinnie!" (I ran up to him and hugged him)
(He caught me and hugged me back)
"Yayy Finally. Felt like forever without you, my princess."

(Yeongho pretended to throw up)
"Ugh That's so cringy....Godddd it's brutal out here. When are we leaving?"

(I rolled my eyes)

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