Oh Noooooo.....

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(Everyone in our school started receiving phone calls that the exams we were supposed to answer were cancelled. And they informed us, the next semester will begin from next month)

"I don't know if I should be happy that we don't have exams or be sad that someone I know, died" (Yeongho said while looking down at his phone)

"I am just blank." (SuHo kept his phone in his hoodie)

"If I had known that today was going to be my last day spending time in my class, I would've made it more memorable." (Elex sighed)

"Mine was quite memorable, I wish I could have experienced it again though." (Neville said sadly.)

"Maybe when we join the next semester, we'll have more fun together" (Yeongho said)

( While we were talking, the TV started showing the news about our school)

"It's the first time I'm seeing our school on TV..." (I looked at the screen closely)

"do you think they might have a footage where we're in it?" (Yeongho smirked)

"Ooh, if that becomes true, then we would be on tv twice in a row." (I chuckled and High fived Yeongho)

"Oh Y/n..what happened to your hand?" (SuHo asked examining my bandaged arm)

(Yeongho and Soobin looked at me waiting for me to answer)

"Yeah it looks like you hurt your hand deeply" (Neville came closer)

"ah no, it's not that bad. I just fell on my way to school and my hand got wounded." (I spoke casually)

"You should be more careful next time, Y/n." (Neville warned)

"Yeah, I'll be more aware from now on."

(Elex, Neville and SuHo decided to leave as it was getting too late.)

"We should get going, I have to get home too, my parents are moving into my house and now they've taken control of everything ughhh...but it doesn't matter cause they're paying for everything also...." (Neville shrugs)

"Yup, my sister will be waiting for me and she just gets angry when I'm home late because then she has to pay for the food delivery..."(Elex chuckled)

"Alright then, Goodbye You guys. I had fun.." (SuHo waved at us)

"Thanks for the lovely food and drinks" (Neville smiled)

"Next time, I'd like to invite you all to my house." (Elex announced)

"That sounds fun!" (I said with a smile)

"Yeah bye, see you guys later."
(Yeongho waved.)

Time skip

(Emma called me up to see how I was doing)
"Oh my God, I just saw the news about our school. How are you doing? Are you okay?" (Emma said concerned)

"well, I have no idea....this- today's day has been really horrible. A lot has happened in just 1 day."

(Emma seemed worried and curious, so I told her everything that happened from beginning to end. She wanted to help and solve this mystery.)

"Hey, I don't want you to get into any trouble-"

"please! Just let me, you don't know how boring it is being at home and doing literally nothing. I will help you, I just wanna catch up. Send me the suspects you have right now."

"Alright. Thank you, Emma. It really means a lot to me that you'll help me figure out who the secret admirer is-....Actually it sounds too childish to call him my secret admirer....somehow, Criminal, sounds right."
(I chuckled)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now