Neville And Naomi

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(We all went home and Neville's sister tagged along with us. I invited Mark and Soobin to join us for lunch. Actually I didn't invite Soobin....He invited himself cause he wants to- and I quote "Keep an eye out for the demon and the demons sister." I rolled me eyes at how he overreacts)

Soobin POV
(Aishhh. I have a bad feeling about Neville and his sister. There's something odd about them. Also his sister, Naomi looks a little familiar. Have I met her before? Probably not. Although from her side profile, she looks a little like Emma, maybe that's why I feel like I know her from somewhere. I can't believe now they're going to have lunch. Why did Y/n have to invite her too? Now I got to watch them silently like a hawk to find anything suspicious. Y/n's too nice to everyone around her. Even though I whispered to her many times that they're wierd. She just replied with- and I qoute "They're friendly." well, So was I!)

"Neville why didn't you tell us that you had a sister?" (Yeongho asked him)

"She lived in France all this while as She works there day and night,.....I never expected her to visit this year. She said she would come back in 2 years. I thought maybe that time I can introduce her once she gets here."

(Y/n turned towards Naomi)
"So, Are you permanently moving here?" (she asked)

"No Its not permanent. Just for two years actually. I wanna start studying again and I really missed my bro here too."
(She patted Neville's back)

"awe I missed you too Naomi"

"This house is quite lovely." (Naomi looked around and smiled)

"Thank you. Sit anywhere you like."
(Y/n smiled back)

Y/n Pov

"It's been a while since I came back to my country. I have lived in France for so many years...anyways, I hear Neville's been staying with you two. Thank you for taking such good care of him. I hope he doesn't bother you too much."

"Ofcourse not. You don't have to thank us. By the way he's been doing alot for us too, like making breakfast and dinner. He even cleaned the living room for us. He does the dishes, buys groceries and much more than that."

"oh how nice."

"By the way, where will you be staying from now on?" (Neville asked her)

"At moms and dads house, obviously. You will be staying there with us too, right?"

"I can't. I don't think they want me back there." (Neville looks down)

"what did you do that caused them to be so upset? (Yeongho asked)

"it's a long story....I myself, don't know how to explain it."
(Neville then looked at Naomi and suggested an idea)
"why don't you stay with mom & dad for a while and slowly try to convince them to let me come back in and live with them too."

"um....." (she stuttered)

"Please. You're a good negotiator. They can never say no to you."

"okay. I'll do it" (she nodded after thinking about it)

(Then we offered Naomi something to eat and drink, while Soobin watched tv. I huffed as I realized he was grumpy because Naomi was Neville's sister. I mean.....that's How It Is. You can't change this fact. Just move on dammit.)

(Mark was eating snacks too and looking at what Soobin was seeing.)

Soobin's POV
( I couldn't find anything interesting on TV so I kept changing the channels while I was side eyeing Neville to see what he was doing.)

(Suddenly Mark flinched)
"Go back, Go back" (He told me)

(I looked at the remote and started to switch the channels backwards)

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