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Mark POV
(I noticed how stressed Yeongho and Soobin were getting)

"Before Neville moved in with Y/n and Yeongho, Didn't He ask any of you if you had a spare room he could stay in?" (Yeongho asked SuHo and Elex)

"Yes he did. But he said that the reason he needs a place to live is because his apartment was getting demolished." (SuHo answered)

(I can't believe we couldn't figure this out before. I hope it's not too late.)

"Oh my God. Oh my God. What do we do? We have to find my sister, please."
(Yeongho asked, his breathing rapidly increased)

"Oh Y/n? What happened to her?" (Elex asked)

"Long story short, Neville kidnapped her." (I replied)

(Elex and SuHo seemed shocked and afraid)  "What? Oh my God no...this can't be....Is there anything we could do to help?" (SuHo requested politely) "We're willing to help you guys find her..." (Elex continued)

"Really?" (Soobin spoke with hope)

(They both nodded) "Ofcourse"

Y/n Pov
(I woke up in the most dusty and dark environment.) (I coughed a couple of times.)

(I tried to stand up but my legs were tied with a wire and my hands were handcuffed together

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(I tried to stand up but my legs were tied with a wire and my hands were handcuffed together.)

(I tried fidgeting around to atleast free my legs but they were tied too tight.)

"Damn it!" (I spoke frustrated)

(The door flung open)
"I thought I heard a noise. Good you woke up."

"why? Why are you doing this to me?!" (I cried out at the guy in the white mask)

"To be honest, I was doing this to punish Soobin. I only pretended to be your secret admirer to make Soobin mad and unleash his true identity. Until I Actually fell for you. Do you know how much I love you? How much I want you Now? I was hoping to destroy Soobin, but now that's just going to be a bonus for me." (Neville removed his mask)

"You DON'T LOVE me! You don't kidnap a person you love." (I justified)

"To be fair, Soobin did the same thing to you. And he loves you. Why can't I do the same? Only difference, is that my style is going to be way worse than his."

"H-How did you know a-about S-Soobin k-" (I hesitated while speaking)

"That's not important. I studied him like a book. It's a shame he doesn't remember me..." (Neville looked down with a smile)

"Who are you?" (I whispered with impatience.)

"You're asking a lot of questions, love"
(He smirked. I cringed)

"I don't like this.....This room is making me feel very uncomfortable. Is that a spider there? Why is there so much dust? Is there a way you can move me to another room?" (I requested politely)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now