Brain Damage

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Felix POV

"Are you okay?" (I asked soobin who seemed to be completely lost.)

"I think so

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"I think head hurts really bad."
(Soobin said holding his head.)

"That's because of the surgery that was performed before you went into a coma." (The doctor told him.)

"The surgery was successful but in case of any problems that may occur, we might have to conduct surgery again." (The other doctor said.)

"Is the injury really that severe?" (Y/n asked worriedly)

"The hit on the head caused damage to his skull, his frontal lobe was disrupted but it wasn't this severe until we took his blood and found traces of anti-anxiety drugs. He has been consuming them often, because it was a huge amount of drugs in his blood, it created even more damage to his brain." (The doctor explained to us.)

"What are you saying, doctor? Why would I take drugs? I am quite a healthy person."

"Maybe because of know the kidnapping and everything...It must have been giving you anxiety and so you decided to calm yourself by giving into these anti-anxiety drugs." (I clarified)

"What kidnapping? Who was kidnapped?" (He asked confused)

(The doctor checked his pupils and showed him 2 fingers)

"How many fingers am I holding up?"


"what's 2 + 3"


"Do you know your name?"


(Just then Mark and SuHo entered the room)

"Can you tell me who these people are?" (The doctor pointed to Mark and SuHo)


"Do you not know who he is?" ( Y/n asked whilst pointing at SuHo.)

(Soobin shook his head.) "Sorry I dont."

(The doctor told him to rest for awhile and took us to the office.)

"Why doesn't he remember some memories?" (Mark asked.)

"Since his frontal lobe and hippocampus, the place where his memory is stored, has gotten disrupted. This could cause amnesia. It's not a grave memory loss, since he can remember some parts of his memory. This may be temporary because of his surgery. Gradually his memories will return..."

"How long would that take?..." (SuHo questioned)

"The result varies depending on his condition. You can try to bring back his memory by telling him certain things from his past. But don't force it...he could have a blackout. In my opinion, It could take a year or more for almost all his memories to return.." (The doctor explained)

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