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(I waited for Cheng and Soobin to come)
(But it's been 15 Minutes now!)

(How long can someone be on the phone and How Long does it take to go to the restroom?)

"What's taking them so long?"
(I said with a sigh)

"You know what? I'll go and look for them, okay?" (Mark said calmly)

(I nodded) "Thank you. I'm getting kinda worried, because it's late and it's becoming dark."

"Don't worry. I'm sure they must have got lost somewhere. You know how big the fair is." (Mark comforted)

"Yeah You're right."

"I'll be back, Wait here." (Mark said as he ran into the crowd, and I could no longer see him)

(I spent my time playing games in that aisle.)
(I Met Hueningkai, Yeonjun, Yeongho, & Taehyun)

"Where's your boyfriend? Shouldn't you two be making out in front of these people?" (Yeongho said Mockingly )

(I rolled my eyes) "Haha..Very funny. I would say the same to you....but unfortunately you' a... Pringle."

(Hueningkai, Taehyun and Yeonjun laughed)

(Yeongho looked like he was about to punch me but knew I would fight back)

"Guys Chill~ I messaged everyone to come to this location. So once we all meet here we can go home because It's getting kinda late."
(We all nodded in agreement at what Yeonjun said)
(Then Felix, Beomgyu, Soo-Jun and Woo-bin came)

"I assumed Soobin would be here. I haven't told him to meet us here. And where is Mark?"
(Yeonjun asked)

"We should also say bye to Cheng before leaving." (Yeongho said looking around)

(I called Mark a few times but he never picked up. I even tried calling soobin)
(This was wierd because he doesn't ever miss my call. Maybe the noise is so loud, he can't hear is cell phone ring)
(Yeonjun decided to find them so we could go home soon.)
(I searched through my phone contacts to see if I could find Cheng's phone number) (once I found it, I was about to call him but he suddenly texted me)

Cheng : Hey Y/n, I'm sorry but I had to leave the fair early because of a family emergency. Today was fun. Thanks for the company. Goodbye, and say bye to Yeongho for me too.

Me: Oh Okay. Bye then. I'll see you around.

(I waited for some time. I was getting impatient as it was getting dark. The sun had already set.) (Yeonjun came back and said that it was getting too dark to find someone in this crowd)

(After a few minutes Mark And Soobin came back)

"Where were you guys?" (I said worried)

"I was getting food for us to take home. It took them a while to prepare so much takeout. And once It was done, I got lost. Luckily Mark came at the right time and showed the way."
(Soobin explained)

"Yeahhhhh He wandered quite far away. Thank God I found him."
(Mark said Relieved)
(I couldn't help but notice that Soobin was wearing Mark's jacket.)

(Well, it is kinda chilly. But Why would Mark give his jacket to Soobin? I asked Mark for a pen at school and he literally told me "No thanks.")

(Soobin gave each one of us, the bags of food in his hands)

"Oh Thanks Soobin....Now that we're all here, we should get going."
(I stated)

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now