He's Here...

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(I looked at Soobin In confusion and he looked back at me)
"why did you say 'oh no'?" (We both said at the same time)
(I sighed)
"Last time, Yeongho brought his friend home, they had a huge party and the whole house was wrecked, then Yeongho and I had to clean it up.....it took us 8 days to get the house to look...'almost normal'.....i don't wanna go through that again. Plus they were way toooooooo noisyyy...and I felt like I was a maid half of the time."

"Oh that sounds quite brutal. I would've left that house and never returned." (Soobin chuckled)

"So as I was saying before, You haven't answered my question...why were you dissapointed when Yeongho said that Neville will be staying with us?"
(I asked again)

(Soobin crossed his arms)
"fine...." (He said in defeat) (Sighing before he spoke)

"i-i mean...Can't you see? I don't trust that guy. I can't imagine you and that Neville, living under the same roof. Actually I Can imagine it but....i just don't want to...i don't want him to get close to you. Not only that, but he's one of our Suspects, Y/n."

(I thought for a while and then spoke)
"You're right. But Neville doesn't seem to be a bad person and Yeongho will be there with me too. It's not like I'm gonna be alone Neville.."

"Ah Thanks for that image. But it still worries me And I don't know what I can do to stop this from happening."
(Soobin said defeated)

"I don't think there's a way....but h-hear me out...how about I spend half of my day with you and half of my day at home. And the day that Neville leaves, and the house is a mess.....I will s-stay over at your place. Does that sound alright...?" (I hesitantly questioned)

(Soobin hummed while thinking)
"Okay that sounds better than before. But That does not mean that I'm okay with the fact that Neville will be staying with you. You still haven't told me what you two were taking about that day."

"That was nothing, I swear. You're behaving like I'm cheating on you...God... He was just asking things about what happened at school, he also wanted a glass of water....thats it...." (I explained with a slight frustration)

".....You're not telling me the whole story.....i want to know exactly what happened..."

(I facepalmed) "But you got the gist though."

(Soobin had a poker face on) "nope"

(I sighed angrily)

"What I told Neville was that, a student had died in our school, from our class. I explained to him that the officers couldn't identify the intention of the students death...whether it was Murder or Suicide. But the court might rule it as suicide....Thats it. There, You Happy now?"

"What did Neville say?"
(Soobin asked instantly)

(I put my hands on my waist, frustrated)

"He was shocked but he thanked me for telling him all this and said something about how lucky we are, that we're safe. He felt sorry for the student that died and wished that he may rest in peace. That's all."

"oh....okay I must say I'm a little relieved....s-sorry Y/n..."(Soobin said wiping his forehead)

"I told you, Soobin. You've got nothing to worry about..."

TXT SOOBIN FF- COMPLETELY OBSESSED [SEASON 2 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now