Chapter 86.

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--Can I Live Long Enough To Save Her.--

Chapter 86:

I was finally feeling better and talking day by day as it was getting better. I woke up to the smell of bacon and sausage. I smiled and put my clothe's on fixing my hair. Vikki's words kept going through my head about me saving her. Even if i did how was i supposed to help her? My wolf is gone.. 

I stared at myself in the mirror for awhile before someone came knocking on my door, Sara peeked her head in and smiled.

"Breakfast Alpha." She smiled walking away.

Lately my pack has been calling me Alpha instead of my name. They wanted to keep my identity on a down low for now on. Even though them calling me Alpha instead of Melissa felt good and kind of weird. I smiled to my self and walked away and down the stairs.

As i walked down the stair's people were waking up and coming out their room's laughing or just plain arguing about weird stuff. Ignoring them i walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Everyone was in the kitchen eating their hearts out before a good training practice.

Ahh Alex also made us train after breakfast so next time we are ready to fight, Of course while everyone practiced in wolf form i was stuck in human form fighting dummies.. 

"So what's new for practice today."  Jason asked putting a piece of bacon in his mouth.

Alex was sipping coffee and smiled lightly putting his cup down."Well i was thinking we all could train in our human form's." He smiled and grabbed a muffin.

Everybody got dead quiet as i looked at him and said nothing, I stuffed a piece of waffle in my mouth trying not to laugh because of everyone's face.

"Your serious?" Amy asked.

"I'm dead serious." He laughed getting more bacon.

"What? That's impossible! Were wolves crying out loud." Someone spoke up.

"Yeah and so am i." I spoke up standing up as everyone got quiet. I smiled and walked outside were we were training.

Everyone was yelling at that person who said it as i just rolled my eyes and put my headphone's on and went for a jog. 

I was jogging at a nice pace as i started thinking about Vikki, I'm training for a day to save her and every time i ask Alex or Alec they brush it off.. I wanted them to know i meant business and today i will show them i mean it. With or with out them i am getting my mate back.

As i was jogging Kyle reached up to me and was speaking, I laughed and took one of my buds out. "Sorry what?"

"I said, Don't mind people. Your one of the strongest people i know."

"Ooh yeah?" I laughed.

"Ehh not if i win." He laughed and ran past me.

I laughed and ran after him as we were both side to side racing. I was breathing heavy as i could feel the adrenaline kick in. Kyle was growling trying to move past me but it wasn't working as i ran past him he started to laugh as we made it back to the house.

He bent over grabbing his shoulder's waving his hand breathing hard. I was laughing and hunched over coughing as i looked at my hand there was blood on my hand. My eyes went wide.

"Hey you OK?" Kyle asked sighing.

I wiped my hand on my towel and smiled at him. "Prefect!" I smiled.

I hide the towel behind me. I walked away and put the towel in my bag and grabbed water sipping it down.. I think this is the sickness the brother's were talking about.. I'm dieing..

Sighing i got my self together and said nothing to my pack. I didn't want them to worry.

"Okay everyone team up." Alex shouted.

People teamed up and practiced fighting each other. I was stuck with Alvin which i was happy with because we get along allot. He came at me with his fist but i blocked it and knee'd his as he bent over i grabbed him and threw him to the ground and put my foot to his chest as he groaned and looked up at me.

I looked around and everyone was looking at me even my pack as they smiled and continued. I laughed and helped Alvin up as he rubbed his head.

"To hard?" I laughed.

"Your good." He smiled.

He brushed himself off as he went for me again and this time he got me and hit me in my stomach as i doubled over and blood came out. His eye's went wide as he ran to me. I kept coughing up blood.


"Shh." I rolled my eyes and covered the dirty and wiped my mouth.

"Melissa." He spoke again.

"I am fine." I lied.

"No your not! That's not okay! and i wont lie to my brother's!" 

"No wait-

"ALEX!!" He screamed.

I pushed him to the floor and tackled him as Alex came running over i held onto him.

"Woah Woah. Melissa let go of my brother?" He grabbed me as i growled and let go.

"Alex she has gotten worse!" He frowned.

"Alvin shut up?" I snapped.

Other's stopped to look on what was going on. I growled lightly in my chest.

"She is coughing up blood, The sickness is getting worse." He spoke to his brother.

Alec walked over with Amy as they looked at me. "What's going on over here?" 

"Nothing" I snapped.

Alex stared at me and grabbed my hand as i flinched as he was looking into my head. "Get off!" I pulled my hand away.

"Melissa, You are getting worse, You need use to heal you again."

"Worse? Alpha?" Amy asked.

"I am fine, I don't need you." I spoke up walking away grabbing my bag and towel.

"You are not OK, I barley hit you and-

"Alvin shut up!!" I yelled.

He looked hurt as he stared at me. I doubled over coughing up blood as pain went across everyone's face. Jason and Kyle ran over to me.



"I'm fine." I spoke whipping my mouth.

"If we dont heal her, She will get worse." Alex spoke to my pack.

"Mel-Alpha please." Jason grabbed me.

I pushed him past me and looked at my family.. My pack, I know Vikki would let them heal me as i looked at the three brother's i knew this was my chance.

"I will let you heal me if we go and find Vikki, I am done with the waiting and the excuse's she is my mate and i will get her back with our with out your help! Dead or alive i will get her back and into my arm's again!" I snapped.

The three brother's looked at me and Alvin smiled and moved towards me. He placed a kiss upon my hand. Alec came over and got on his knee's kissing my leg. Alex stared at me and sighed moving in front of me and kissing my forehead. "Your wish is my command." and with that i was out sleeping.

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