Chapter 87.

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-The Long Search-

Chapter 87:

We all packed food and bags, We decided not to walk because they will sense us coming, So we are taking three separate cars and window's open for the tracker's to sense them.

I was in a car with Jason, Alex, Alvin, Kyle and John who is a tracker.
Sara was with Alec and Amy and Mary who is a tracker as well.
And Alex had warriors in the third car . The other's stayed home just in case something bad happens.

As Amy and Sara were making sandwich's I was packing snack's away in bag's and jugs of water and ice tea.

The boy's were packing our suit cases into the cars.
"How are you feeling?" Amy asked .

"Better.. Just wanna find her and than I can get rid of this.. Hopefully "

"How are you gonna control her craving's." Sara asked finishing up a sandwich.

I looked at them and sighed.
"I might go see the elders for advice . "

They nodded smiling picking up the page of food and stood next to me.
"Shall we?" They asked.

"We shall." I giggled.

We walked the food to the car and placed it inside the car cooler so it stayed fresh. The guys were all shirtless as Sara and Amy were giggling and most of the female's were to.

Not gonna lie they are attractive but none were my taste. I rolled my eyes putting the rest of the food in as the guys were flirting with the girls.

"If your done we can leave "

Alex and Jason and some other's looked over me laughing as Jason and Alex walked over too me trying to be all hot and shit.

"You mean you don't find this attractive?" He pointed to his body.

I laughed hard and pointed to Alvin.
"Now that is attractive."

Alvin word a cute shirt with a duck on it eating a cookie as he wore shorts and his blonde hair and perfect eyes made him look super cute.
Alvin laughed and ran to me hugging me as we got in the car .

Both boys looked dumb forthed as the rubbed there heads and got in the car.
Alex was driving and Jason was int he passenger seat as me and Alvin were in the back giggling.

I really got along with Alvin, Yes I was mad at him for telling them my condition but who could be really mad at him? He was just so cute!

We pulled off as we were now on the road.
Kyle was in the back watching movies as John had his window open a little focusing on the woods.

Our car was like a big truck and had black windows usually these were not allowed but he had a permit. What I thought was cool he could cam the other two car's behind us which was awesome if any of the trackers smelled anything.

Me and Alvin were playing fish(cards) as he kept winning, man this kid is gonna have a cute mate.
(Making A Book About The Three Brother's soon, It's going to be about Alvin and his background , it's going to be short! But I will let you know!!)

"Do you have a mate Alvin?" I asked as he gave me a card.

He blushed and shook his head no.
"No but I could of sworn I smelled him.. He disappeared though one day while we're at this big party, Alpha's all over came with pack's and I knew they were there but never confronted me" He smiled.

I could see he was hurt and his brother was looking at us in the mirror and turned away.

"What about you Alex?" I asked.

He laughed and looked back at me in the mirror.
"She died, Rouge attack."

I was quiet as the whole car was listening and than he turned music in blocking out the awkwardness. Alvin grabbed my hand and rubbed it. I smiled than looked back at him as he didn't bother looking at me again.

I thought these boys were just a bunch of talk and bad ass Alpha's but now I see they went through allot and just hold emotion back.

I rubbed Alvin's hand and smiled.
"Maybe i can help you find your mate."

His eye's lit up like a puppy dog , his tail would be wagging if he was in wolf form.
"That would be great!"

"If you go with me when we find my mate, We are going to talk to the Elder's.. In sure they can help you find out what your mate look's like."

He smiled big and hugged me.
"The elder's will do that?"

"They can do anything. That's why there wolf elder's" I smiled.

He nodded and giggled sitting back against his seat looking out the window.

"You sure they can help? He is only 15. You find your mate at 16. That's probably why they didn't show them selves. Maybe there older?" Alex asked.

"Or Alvin's mate is an Alpha's sister and is just shy." I smiled

"Or boy." Jason also chipped in.

Alvin's face went red as he smacked Jason as he laughed alongside his brother.

"Not funny Alex!" He groaned.

"Sorry little brother, But I wouldn't be surprised if your mate is a boy? Your a little feminine little brother.. But don't get scared we could be wrong." He shrugged his shoulder's.

"The gods have weird way's of showing who you will love and spend your life with, don't be scared. Be happy your mate will love you cute little bum" I pinched his butt as she squealed and smacked my hand as the guys laughed.

Hour's passed and it was going on 6pm, we decided to find somewhere to sleep. But we all choose to sleep in the car's and off the road.
So the tracker's can take turns sleeping while tracking for wolves or vampire's.

We all stopped the car as he went into a dirt road and parked the car.
Everyone got out stretching and grabbing some food as the boys put the seats out and everyone grabbed pillow's and blanket's.

"I'm gonna sleep next to you Melissa." Alvin smiled putting his pillow next to mine in the back of the car.

I smiled and nodded.
"I would be upset if you didn't"

As everyone was getting settled and ate together, Everyone was picking where to sleep.
I was with Alvin, the trackers all slept in one car, Amy and Alec, Sara and Kyle were in one car as the rest of us just found somewhere and slept.

It was around 11 and Alvin was sound asleep and everyone else was as well. I looked over to the car with the tracker's as John yawned and looked over at me and smiled.

I smiled and closed my eyes thinking of what the future had to come.


A growl woke me up as I bolted up as one of the tracker's was in front of the car's slowly people were waking up as I moved off of Alvin and out the truck.

"What is it."

"Someone is coming. " He spoke up.

Alex and Jason joined us looking through the woods.

"I can't tell but there moving slowly.."

I sniffed the air and focused..Blood.. And loads of it.. Than I froze.

"Vikki.." I whispered and darted in the woods.

"Melissa!!" Jason called running after me.

As I ran fast k could smell getting closer. As I looked both ways .. There she was, she limped through the woods than stopped and looked up at me.

"Melissa.." She smiled falling over.

"VIKKI!" I screamed and ran towards her.

She had bite's all over her and a bullet wound on her leg.
"Over here!! Help!!"

She was breathing low but was still alive.
"Stay with me.. Stay with me Vikki!" I yelled.

~ WOOO :3!

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