Chapter 60.

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Chapter 60:

"Lucia Kitchen now, Everyone else go to your rooms and clean this up!" I snapped. Now there is tension in the pack.

Lucia rolled her eyes as Johnny looked at me and said nothing but help Amy up. "You two as well."

Amy sighed and pushed Johnny off her and stood next to meas we walked in. Lucia was walking back and forth pissed an lunged for Amy again as i moved in front of her growling loud as my Alpha side came out. She whined but only growled back.

"Don't test me Lucia." I warned.

She rolled her eyes and backed off.

"Tell that bitch to back off my man."

" He isn't a object." Amy snapped

"He is mine bitch!" She growled loudly.

Fred and Jason came in the room and looked at me as i nodded. They stood behind me and watched Lucia closely.

"I understand he is your mate but you need touched they have been a thing before you came along. You cant just make them stop."

"Excuse me? He is my mate . MINE. I didn't have to find your fucking mate!" Lucia snapped

I growled. " You did do it and it was kind of you, What you need to know is you cant come herd and expect him to except you! He doesn't know you, He grew feelings for her."

She looked at him. "Un grow them. " She snapped.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Your crazy."

"I'm crazy?" She yelled getting in his face. Fred moved her back as she growled.

" You are mine. If you like it or not." She snapped eyeing Amy as she snuck behind me whining.

"I am not yours i don't member accepting you! " He yelled.

I looked at Johnny shocked as the other did. Lucia looked like she was gonna lose it. I watched her every move closely as Jason did as well.

"You are not rejecting me! Because of her." She yelled as tears filled her eyes.

"Please stop fighting." Amy frowned.

Lucia glared at her and pointed a finger. "You better watch your fucking back bitch."

She stormed off tears staining her face. I looked at Amy and she looked scared. I sighed and rubbed my head.

Johnny moved to Amy as she moved away from him.

" Don't touch me!" She yelled.

"Amy.." Johnny sighed.

" Don't Amy me.. Look what you did, How long did you know she was your mate.." She cried.

I didn't want to get into it.. It wasn't my fight no more but i mind linked Fred to go watch Lucia but make sure he is hidden.

" Five days ago.." He whispered.

She slapped him so hard across the face that she started punching him, I went over to kill and grabbed her as she dropped to the floor and cried hard in my arms.

"Don't ever talk to me again!! Scum bag." She yelled.

"Amy I-

"Fuck off! I hate you! I hate you!" She screamed.

He looked hurt and walked past us and went out the door, The car started and he drove off really fast. I sighed and let her go as she pushed off me. She glared at me.

" Did you know." She asked .

I was shocked and a little hurt. " No i didn't .. I would of told you."

" Would you?"

I was taken back and stared at her. " Really Amy, I know your mad but don't take it out on me."

She looked at me and sighed nodding her head. Sara ran in and looked at Amy and ran to embrace her in a hug. She cried in her arms. I frowned but there was nothing i could really do.

I looked at Jason and nodded he shook his head as we walked away and left them to talk.

Me and Jason walked down the hall and up the stairs as Lucia's voice was yelling. Fred was snapping back. I sighed as Jason laughed.

" Drama day."

" Indeed."

Lucia was in his face as his claws were extended. I got between them and was in her face as she glared at me. Pack members came out there rooms because of the growling and shouting.

" Why is he watching me!" She snapped.

" Because you threatened someone in my pack." I growled.

" I'm in your pack too if you forgot." She smirked.

" If you forgot i am Alpha which means i can kick your ass out so fast you wont even blink." I snapped.

Her eyes got wide as she smirked.

" I saved your precious mate. Trust me.. I can run back to Richard and tell him where you are. Don't threaten me Melissa. You be Alpha but your not mines... Yet."

I grabbed her around her throat as growled, My claws extended and my bright red eyes flashed . " Is that a threat, Your making allot of threats for an Omega."

She was holding my arms around her neck as she glared at me. " Don't call me that-"

" Threaten my pack again. I will personally kill you." I growled as she fell to the floor coughing. I turned and walking away. I am so done with all this drama.

" You will regret this Melissa!" She yelled

I smirked and looked back as Jason was following me. I winked and said two words...

"Bite Me."


How do you feel about Lucia? Was she right about the whole Mate thing? Let me know in the contents

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