Chapter 9

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Thanks everyone who is making this book up their! Means allot. Sorry i dont work on this allot , graduation is coming up and i have been busy with that.

Chapter 9!

I looked at her father weird.
"Wolves?" I mumbled.

He nodded and stood up grabbing a book and handing it to me. I sat down lightly in the sofa and opened the book.

"The book is about wolves , Wolves are born in different shapes and sizes, they are worn all wolf of humans."

I stared up at him awkwardly.
I was going to speak but he continued.

"Their are different types of wolves by there pack. The boss of the Wolves is called a Alpha, his wife or soon to be wife is The Luna, she takes care of everyone and everything. "

I nodded looking at the pichures.

"The Beta is the Alphas second in command , he is in charge of looking after the Alpha and to pay attention . Than there are warriors, they fight for their pack.
All wolves.. Have Mates."

When he said mate i looked up into his eyes than to Vikki's
"Wait.. Are you telling me your all wolves?"

He nodded lightly as her mother sat next to me and took hand.
I started laughing hard as i shit the book.
They stared at me like i was crazy.

"You guys are crazy, oh my gosh." I laughed .

"Melissa." Vikki warned.

"Young lady this is no joke this is serious especially when your brother is. vampire and trying to kill you."

"You guys are completely crazy. " I shook my head standing up.

"Melissa! Listen to him! He isn't lieing! " Vikki yelled standing up.

"Vikki! How can you listen to this ?"

"Because I am a Wolf and your my mate!!!" She yelled so loud everyone became quiet.

I stared at her for a long while as i rubbed my head .

"I can show you!" She snapped and grabbed my arm ruff running out the door.

"Vikki stop! " Her father yelled it was to late we were down the stairs as people stared at us walking down and outside into the backyard

"Vikki! She isn't ready! " Her mother yelled.

Vikki didn't listen its like she was in a trance and didn't care to hear .
Other people came outside to look what was going on.

Vikki finally let go an moved away from me as her back faced me.


Nothing she said nothing.

"Vikki.. Your scaring me."

She moved her head to look at me and smiled lightly.
Vikki moved so quick she was on all 2's but now she was on all 4's... Literally.

I looked at the Big Brown wolf in front of me as the yellow eye looked at mine. I stood there shocked not being able to talk.

The wolf moved for me as i moved back. Every move the wolf made i moved back.


I moved more back and fell onto my butt staring at the animal infront of me. I did what anyone would do. I screamed loudly.

The wolf lowered it ears and laid down as i stared at him .

"That is Vikki." Her mother spoke next to me.

"I don't understand.."

The wolf stared at me. As I stared back at it, the wolf infront off me was i fact Vikki.

I moved lightly to the wolf as everyone watched, the wolf didn't move as i sat infront of it. I moved my hand to its snout as the wolf lowered its head an purred.

"Vikki...." I mumbled.

Those yellow eyes looked at me as she licked my cheek.
I giggled lightly and hugged her as tears fell from my eyes.

Two things i learned was wolves were completely real and Vikki was one of them really her whole family and that my brother was a Vampire.

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