Chapter 47.

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---> Training Day. <---

Chapter 47:

 As we all slept the whole night , People who wanted to train got up at 6, I woke up around 7;30 from horrible night mares and the sweats. I sighed and looked over at Vikki's sleeping figure, She has been through hell and back and yet she still smiles. I don't know how she does it but i love this girl. I am happy that she found me month's ago and told me about wolve's and me being her mate, I am grateful i was chosen to be her mate.

I smiled and covered her up with the cover as i grabbed shorts and a sport's bra heading to the training course. If i am going to fight my brother and Zack i should at least train a little, Alpha or not we all have or weakness's.

I walked down the stairs as people were still sound asleep on the floor in the living room and some spread out into the game room. I opened the door and walked out as Fred and Donny were giving roder's and helping people fight. Jason taught other's how to control their smell of there wolf.

"Morning Everyone." I smiled.

People said morning or even waved as they were busy with the training, I smiled and sat down on the bench tieing my shoe as Sara and Amy came up behind me scaring me to death.

"BOO!" They yelled.

I screamed and turned looking at them as they were on the floor laughing, Other's looked over alerted but smiled as they saw what was happening.

"Guy's you scared me to death." I sighed and stood up looking at them

"Sorry Alpha. We came to train!" Amy preached yelling.

"Train?" I asked shocked.

"Well ya, We wanna be as much help as possible." 

I smiled and nodded. "So Sara how is you and Kyle.. ?"

She looked alarmed and smiled. "It's going slow.. But i am happy it is." 

She looked over at Kyle and Johnny chatting and helping people, Kyle must of noticed us staring as he looked over at us and blushed looking away fast. We giggled and headed over to where Jason was as he was having trouble with some blonde boy.

"How are you going to tell me what to do Hybrid?" He snapped as his two friends backed him up agreeing.

"Like i said , your doing it wrong. " He sighed.

He ran for Jason as he moved out the way and fell on his face, People laughed lightly as the boy growled and got up. "You wanna fight filthy Hybrid!" He yelled.

I came up behind the boy and grabbed his shoulder tight and flipped him so he was on his back and i was pinning him down, He looked back at me as his eye's popped out of his head. 

"If you would of listened to us filthy Hybrids than you wouldn't of just got pinned by a girl one at that." I smiled.

He growled and moved around trying to move. It was us less as he was pinned and not able to get up. "Get off me!" He yelled.

"What's going on." Vikki asked coming up behind us wearing shorts and a sports bra as well.

"Your little pack member has no respect." I sighed.

She rolled her eye's and laughed. "He never doe's."

I got off the boy as he stood up and glared at me. "Alpha she insulted me!"

"The only one insulted is you. You just beat by a girl" Amy giggled.

Sara laughed and hugged Amy as they laughed. The boy growled and moved towards them as i blocked their path. Johnny ran over and looked at the boy threatening. "Don't think about it pup."

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