She's Mine (GirlxGirl)

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This is my first time doing this kind of book but i wanted to ^_^ Dedicated too ViVi?-Bear ! 💋💋❤

Chapter 1;

I dreaded these hall ways with all these soo called good people? Ya right even the teachers are judgmental! Give me a break Ugh.
I opened my locker and moved my blue hair out of my face staring at my shining blue eyes. I sighed and bit my lip fixing my hoodie as i grabbed my books just as I did I got shoved into my locker making all my books fall.

"Ha watch where your going freak" Amy laughed with her clones making me huff is disgust. Amy was the schools bimbo fake. Oh how she makes my life hell .

I bent down to pick up my books just as another hand brushed over mines making my hand tingle.. Huh weird? I looked up at the most beautiful brown eyes staring at my blue ones.

I bit my lip and stood up as the girl with the brown eyes handed me my books smiling brightly.

"Im Vikki and you are?"

I blushed as she stared at me tilting her head to side.
"Oh.. Melissa.. " I mumbled shyly.

"Ooh well it was nice meeting you! Don't let that bitch bring you down, your beautiful " Vikki smiled and skipped past me to a load of guys and girls staring at me.

I huffed and ran up the stairs to my class , because of course I'm late because of stupid Amy . Perfect just perfect!

After the bell rang i sighed and pulled my phone out while walking outside to eat in my favorite spot under the shady tree. I slid my headphones on and looked at all the stupid people talking to each other . I sighed.. That could be me if i wasn't shy..

I looked up to the leaves and closed my eyes praying one day people will actually see me for me and not how i look . Sighing I opened my eyes to see brown one staring at me. I jumped startled and stared at the girl that helped me earlier Viki.

"Oh sorry yo scare you, what you doing out here alone?" Viki smiled as she sat next to me.

"Nothing.. Needed air , i guess" i shrugged playing with my hands nervously.

She smiled and grabbed my hand and held it tight as she giggled at my blush.
"Will you eat with my friends?"

"Um.. I don't now.. People don't really like me?" I couldn't control my blush that stayed on my face .

"Oh shush! They will love you!" She pulled me up as i stumbled she grabbed me. Wow this girl is strong.

"Maybe another time.. I really should be getting home.." I stumbled on my words .

"Home ? But its 4th period lunch" She raised an eyebrow .

"Ah.. I don't feel well.." I bit my lip looking down.

She lifted my face and smiled sweetly.
"Ok go rest see you tomorrow!" She screamed as she walked away waving.

Sighing i grabbed my back and ran home like my life depended on it . As i arrived at my house i walked in and fell onto the couch dropping my back. Good my parents are at work.. Peace and quiet.
I couldn't stop thinking about those brown eyes.. And how she was the first one to actually talk to me.. I fell asleep with an actual smile on my face. This is gonna be a good year i knew it .

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