Chapter 13.

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-->When life changes to be Harder,Change yourself to be Stronger. <---

Chapter 13.

I kept up with the books Vikki's mom has been giving be about wolves and their background history, i haven't left her side for almost a week as today was Sunday. She still hasn't moved but the doctor said to give it time and she will come forth. All i have been doing is eating, reading and sleeping in this same boring chair for days. People come buy and see her and look at me like i am crazy but how can i be? Something deep inside of me tells me to stay and that she needs me, I know and feel she needs me.

I read about how people are born into wolves from long ago and how they are is groups called Packs, its like a huge family that nobody cares who you are if you are born or even welcomed in you are family. That made me smile on to think of how people think of Vikki hear, i wonder if they will ever accept me in here as.. Family. I read little about mates, all i know is that Mates can feel what the other is feeling and that its rare to be matted with a human because its more difficult.. I smirked at the thought of how me and Vikki met, it was cute and weird on how she kept calling me Mate but now i understand..Kind of.

I looked out the window at the dark sky as the rain hits the window, The flash of lighting was like a trance i kept staring at it until the door opened and made me jump.

I turned and saw the Alpha looking at me as he shut the door and walked in kissing Vikki's head, i stayed quiet and kept reading. 

"I'm sorry for what i said. It.. It wasn't right." He moved the hair out of Vikki's face.

I looked up from my book to him and looked shocked but sighed.

"Don't apologize.. you were right. It was my fault and i take all the hate that comes.."

He stared at me but said nothing.

I stood up and stared at him. " I may be human but i still am your daughters Mate.. i know its hard to believe trust me i didn't either..but.. i will become strong and i will earn your respect." 

He stared at me and sighed stroking his daughters hand as he sat down on the bed not looking at me anymore.

"Than you must know.. Your brother i assume? Has been spotted on our territory."

My heart skipped at beat i swear as i heard of my brother being here..

"Where is he?"

"Don't know.. my wolves are looking for them."


"Two others were with him." He looked over at me as is stared into space.

Its probably David and Chris... with him.. 

"Why are they here?" i bit my lip

"For you i presume." He rubbed his temple.

My hands became sweaty and clammy, worried washed over my face as i paced back and forth thinking of what to do. What if they kill me? Or them! Oh my gosh what am i going to do.

"Will you sit and relax, you look like you have ants in your pants." He stood up walking to the door.

i sat back down into my hair my head into my lap. Why me...?

He cleared his throat as i looked up at him.

"I wont let them have you. You belong to my daughter."  and at that he shut the door leaving me completely shocked.

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