Chapter 113.

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~Terrible Things Occur..~

Chapter 113:

The next day everything was calm as it was a hot Sunday morning and everyone was relaxing by the pool. Vikki was catching up on some pack work as I stayed and organized the kids clothes.

We had so much clothes thanks to the shower. My mom would come by and drop clothes and diapers off and I was happy she was trying.
My dad gave Vanessa a cute cradle that had a pink bow and a wolf. My mother said it was mine when I was young and he wanted her to have it.
I smiled at my sleeping kids.

I didn't notice it was neer dinner as Vikki came in with steak and mashed potatoes.
I smiled and she came in kissing my head.

"So much pack work thank god Jason and Lark are helpful." She sighed sitting down on the floor.

I nodded smiling.
"At least they are sleeping quietly and bathed with the help of Sara, Oh god baby I was so scared to wash them! "

She laughed eating her steak. I joined her sitting on the floor and put my plate on the small desk that they will use to color as they get older.

"Well I bet it is scary, next time I will help." She smiled

I nodded smiling eating my steak.
"What's weird is Violet was right they are getting heavy, Vincent is getting heavier than Vanessa which is weird."

She looked at me listening as she nodded.
"Maybe it's because he is a male and she will be tiny as you" She smirked.

I smacked her laughing.
"I am not tiny. I can beat your ass ." I smirked.

She moved toward's me and moved to the crook of my neck breathing in my scent.
"But I can rock your world in bed." She whispered.

I blushed hard and gaged on my food spitting it out in the napkin as she laughed hard covering her mouth.
I smacked her leg as she licked her lips.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of her wine happy to drink again.
She snatched it from me waving her finger.

I laughed at how childish she is even if she acts all tough and bad she is a child like I am who sadly have to grow up and be parents. But screw that huh?

Jason came in alerted and spotted us.

"Vikki rouge's."

She stood up and looked at me as I got up.
"Stay with them."

I nodded as she ran off. I could hear two guards outside the door as I went to the window and peeked out and saw nothing .
I bit my lip and walked to the door as the window slammed open.

I fell to the floor and looked over as my eyes went wide.

"Jace..." I mumbled.

My brother's eyes looked at me as he was holding Vanessa. Fear was running all over my body.

He stared at me and looked at Vanessa.
"She looks like her mommy."

My heart was beating fast. The guards were banging on the door but it wasn't open.
They were yelling in pack link as Vikki was yelling for me to reply.
I couldn't I was speechless.

"I had to see them.. You." He looked at me.

"Don't hurt her.." I whispered.

He only huffed out a laugh as he looked at me stern.
"Even I can't do that. "

I relaxed a little still on edge.
"How are you-

"Alive?" He answered as he smiled.
"Guess god touched my body and thought it wasn't my time. There is still so much I have to do."

"Do what." I whispered.

He stared at me and put Vanessa back in her crib quietly as he walked over to me and got down on his knee and lifted my chin.

"I protected you from everything. Evil consumed me. Killed me. I have been reborn for a purpose and its to protect them. Protect my baby sister."

I stared at his eyes as tear's fell. I was shaking with fear as he wiped my tears away staring at me as his eyes went red.

"They are in serious danger."

"How- who?" I asked.

He only rubbed my cheek and placed a kiss upon my head as he walked away to the cribs.

A Big Bang happened as he disappeared and the kid's screamed with fear. I got up and rushed to them and spotted roses on them. As my eyes got wide I grabbed them gently moving away from the cribs and onto the floor crying .

The door busted down and Vikki came in to me .
Jason and Lark ran to the window and looked out.

"Melissa who was it? What was it.." She asked rubbing the kids backs.

Jason pulled out the flower's.
"What is this." He asked.

Vikki looked up and noticed it as her eyes snapped to me as I looked at her and broke down.
"Is it -"

"He is back..." I whispered.


That night everything was calm the babies slept in our room because of the window. They were sound asleep.

It was 12 at night and I couldn't sleep.
He was in my memory as I covered my eyes frowning.

"Can't sleep." She asked.

I shook my head.
"Wanna talk about it?"
She asked.

"He looks so different.. He held Vanessa and my Alpha didn't even... She wouldn't move or go into mommy mode.. I was frozen.. " I cried.

She rubbed my cheek holding me to her chest.
"You were scared."

"Scared isn't even the word.." I cried.

She kissed my head.
"Did he say what he wanted?"

I shook my head.
"That he changed or something and will protect us." I sighed laying up looking at the ceiling.

"That's my job" she mumbled.

I laughed and kissed her nose.


I looked around the pitch black room as I spotted Jace holding Vanessa.
I watched him as he rubbed her cheek.


He didn't look he kept smiling at my baby. His smile scared me.

'Jace.!' I yelled.

He smirked and dug his fangs into her neck as she cried.
I screamed bloody murder at him as I reached for them.

I jolted out of bed screaming as it was morning and Vikki was shaking me looking alerted as Amy and Sara were there holding the babies.

"Melissa your safe"

I looked around the room and grabbed for Vanessa.
"Give me my baby!" I yelled at Amy as she handed her to me.

I held her close to me chest as she giggled at me not knowing what was going on. I checked her neck and sighed.
I closed my eyes realxing.
She put her tiny hand on my face and giggled.

'Momma' she coo'd

My eyes shot open as I smiled at her giggling nodding.
"Momma" I repeated.

She laughed and was doing raspberries at me.

"Are you okay??" Vikki asked.

"I want the kids to have more protection." I told her.

"Melissa they already have guards.."

"Give them more." I snapped.

She looked worried and only nodded as she walked out the room and I stared at Vanessa
No one is going to harm my babies.. Not even him..


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