Chapter 76.

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--The Elders--

PART 1!!!

^Listen To The Song^
Chapter 76:

The drive was long an silence, yet again no one spoke the radio played "Boom Clap" and i was getting annoyed by it.

I rolled the window down to get fresh air as I sighed.

"What ever might happens..Just know we have your back Alpha." Donny spoke from the back.

I turned and looked at him and he nodded and the others did too. I nodded.

"They might want us dead.. For everything that happened.. If they do, Protect your selves. " I looked at them as they liked worried.

"I will protect you till the day i die Melissa." Amy spoke up sitting up.

"I don't want you protecting me, i know of my crimes, yall need to protect each other. That's an order." I warned in Alpha tone.

Sara and Amy both frowned and grabbed each others hand. Jason stopped the car as we jolted forward. I turned to look at him.

"What the hell?!" I screamed.

"Its bullshit, Your our Alpha! We will protect you, Order or not i will not have you die! Do you understand me Melissa."

I stared at him speechless as I shook my head.
"I need all of you safe.. Something happens to me, Your Alpha Jason."

His eyes shot up as he grabbed my chin and glared at me.
"Nothing will happen to u!"

"We hope.. The Elders aren't very fond of us especially a Hybrid Pack" I reminded them.

They all looked at each other and nodded, Jason let go of me and continued driving.. I did have a point something we didn't like was going to happen today and we cant stop it, We broke allot of rules and didn't go by any of there's, They know I'm coming my wolf is whimpering in fear. Taking a deep breath i looked at them one last time.

"No matter what happen's, Were are a pack.. No were more than that.. We are a family." 

Amy smiled and grabbed my hand as Sara also reach over and grabbed our hands. "We are all one."

"Lets show them no fear." Kyle laughed putting his hand with Me,Sara's and Amy.

"Lets show them we don't back down to nothing!" Donny and Fred yelled throwing their hands in.

We all looked over at Jason who was looking back into the re-view mirror and driving at the same time, He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Lets show these old farts whose the real wolves around here!" He yelled moving his hand back than take it away as we all laughed and howled.

It was over a little Two hours and it was getting lightly dark as the time was 5:15. Sighing i moved a little kinda getting sick of being in the car but before i said anything else, Jason pointed  to the mountains. My eyes went wide as a huge torn down temple stood tall.

Everyone moves too look and was "Wowing".

"That's it?" Amy asked.

"Its a piece of shit.." Donny laughed.

"Well they are old.. and never show themselves and hide out up here.. Of course they will live in a shitty place." Kyle laughed.

We drove a little up the mountain and got out and walked so we didn't get the car stuck in rocks, Donny carried the body and stayed quiet. He was kinda mad he had to do it but didn't say nothing. As we walked i couldn't sense any wolfs at all and it was kind of strange, As we got to the strange run down temple we all looked at each other.

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