Chapter 77.

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- Uknown People.. and Hard Choice's.-

Chapter 77:

The couil was talking amonst them selves as i was in a circle near the door with Jason, Kyle, Amy and Sara all looking worried. We just found out interesting stuff and .. i dont know what im going to do.. or even if they are going to help me.

"What the hell.. She'll die!" Kyle snapped raising his voice.

"You cant die..." Amy frowned.

Sara nodded as i was not paying attention in my own world as Jason put his hand on my shoulder making me jump and look at him and everyone else around me.


"Im fine." I lied.

"No your not." Sara sighed.

"Yes i am." Lies..

I looked over at the council as they were having a heated discussion on weather to trust me or not.

"If you need more proof I have it." I snapped.

They looked at me pleased as i mink linked Fred and Donny to come in. Amy hugged Sara as Jason rubbed her back .
As they walked in the council saw a body and looked at each other.

"This was my friend.. My pack member.. "

"Who." They asked.

I sighed and looked at them. "Johnny.. "

"Vampires killed him?" The woman asked.

I clutched my fist and glared at the woman as she raised her eyebrow confused. "That another problem we have."

"What will that be? Why not answer her question?"

"Because my mate killed him.."

"A werewolf?!" The woman snapped.

"What has the world come to!" The other woman yelled.

"She wasn't just my mate.. A Alpha.. But she didn't want too.. Vampires are controlling her!"

"Alpha?" He rubbed his head sitting back.

"I'll deal with her when the time comes."

"Deal with her? Killing a werewolf is death there is no dealing with it."

"Did you morons hear me! She i being controlled by Vampires! Vikki is a sweet girl and would never kill!"

"Hold your tongue. Do you know your talking to elders!" The woman yelled.

"Elders who want to kill a innocent wolf and my mate!"

She stood up as the one council member in charge held her hand up and she rolled her eyes and walked away vanishing.

"I must say you have guts young wolf.. If what you say is true than we will help you get her back and see the truth in her mind.. As for you.. You need to kill that vampire, your wolf will die if-

I held my hand up and nodded.
"I know . Thank you"

He nodded and looked at all of us. "I will let all wolves know to let you on their territory to look for her .. You shall not be harmed. "

"We might need help, We don't now how many Vampire's there might be.. And if I die.. I want to give my title to Jason."

"Are you crazy" Jason grabbed my arm snapping.

"Crazy no." I glared at him.

The council watched us confused but said nothing.
"You aren't going to die." Sara frowned.

"My wolf is dieing as we speak.. Im feeling weaker. " I mumbled.

"I will not let you die.. We won't let you die." Kyle spoke .

"You don't understand, if he doesn't take this power out of me and my wolf.. It's over"

"Then we will make him." Amy growled.

I smiled lightly and kissed her head. Looking at my loving family .. My pack.. People I love and would die for.

"To save your self and protect you Alpha.. Go to the blood moon pack.. They are strong.. Three Alpha brothers and a huge pack. They will help you only need your trust." The woman said nodding her head.

I nodded and looked at them. They smiled and started to walk away, I looked back at the Council as the man looked at me before disappearing.

As we walked to the car allot of bull shot was running through my mind.. I couldn't hear my wolf anymore she was whimpering inside me from pain. I felt hot and sick and stumbled.

Jason grabbed me and frowned picking me up bridal style and carrying me back to the car as he placed me in the passenger side as everyone got in.

"Here." Donny handed me water as I smiled and took a sip.

Sara pressed her hand on my forehead and sighed. "You have a fever."

I nodded closing my eyes sighing . "Looks like your getting weaker." Fred frowned.

"Than we need to hurry." Jason sped off to the blood moon pack house.

I tried dozing off but I was getting hot and coughing allot. Everyone was worried for me as hands came to mine to take pain away and into them.. But they can't take pain forever..

If I can't kill that Vampire or make him take this power out.. Im going to die.

Loads of drama!! Poor Melissa!

Up next ' "Not one but 3 sexy Alpha's"

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