Chapter 16.

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---> The eyes Tell All. <---

Chapter 16.

Dark...That's all there was in this strange place..There were dieing tree's everywhere and nothing but dirt and ash, Everything was quiet and spooky. I looked around at nothing.. So am i dead? Wouldn't i be in i don't know heaven? or even hell? or am i stuck in the between .

I could hear voices around me speaking to each other .

'Still hasn't woken up?'

' No...'

Vikki's voice.. i can tell it was her's , i know her voice from anywhere.

'I hope she wake's up soon.'

'Vikki!!' I yelled.

Nothing.. No one replied.. No one could hear me.. Its like i am a ghost.

I tried moving my hand towards her or even flinch to let her know i am here and can hear her.. but i couldn't my body was frozen still.. I tried screaming and my lungs wouldn't work.

'Do you hear that? Her heart skipped a beat.'

My heart?...What are they talking about.

'Ah i hear  it too..'

'Melissa can you hear me.. its Vikki..Open your eyes.'

I tried so hard to open them but they wouldn't i wanted to scream and kick around but nothing on my body wanted to work. Its like i completely shut down.



I opened my eyes and adjusted to the light shutting them and re-opening them up again.

"She's awake!"

I looked over at the Doctor's face as she looked at me and gasped, Vikki came over and looked at me and stared at me for a long time before smiling.

"Your awake.." She sniffled and kissed my head.

"Her eyes.." Her father spoke up looking at me with concern.

I looked at him and everyone in confusion..I couldn't member what happened at all.. why was i sleeping for so long and where am i?

"W-Where am i?" i whispered.

Vikki's eyebrows pulled together as she frowned. "Your in the infirmary.. You have been out for a month and a half..You lost allot of blood.."

"From what.. and a month?"

"Your brother bit you and Vikki here tried to save you." The nurse spoke up as Vikki glared at her.

Everything came rushing back to me.. My brother being a vampire, Vikki and her family all wolves and me being her mate..My brother bit me... and so did Vikki. I groaned and rubbed my head. I looked at my hand as it was not mine but someone else? It was smooth and warm. I sat up into my bed looking at my body as it wasn't mine.


"Relax? This-This isn't me!"

I started touching my hair than i looked down at my chest and yelled loudly. "These aren't mine!" I poked my boob as Vikki and her mother laughed.

"Its the new you.."

"New.?" I asked unsure.

She pulled out a mirror and smiled at me. "You are beautiful Melissa.. Don't doubt it. "

I grabbed the mirror form her and sighed before i looked at my self gasping in complete shock.. The girl in the mirror had Minty blonde hair.. and her eyes.. her eyes.. one was red and one was a perfect blue.. I gasped again staring at my self.. I looked like a monster..

I threw the mirror covering my face as Vikki's arms went around me as i stared at the wall in front of me.

"Melissa.." The nurse spoke lightly. "You are 50% Vampire and 50% Wolf... which means your are a Hybrid.. the first of a hybrid in years... You are one of a kind and there is really nothing to worry about trust me."

"Nothing to worry about? NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT LOOK AT ME!" I screamed at her as she looked taken back and looked at the floor.

"I might be wrong.. but since yours eyes are that color.. I am only guessing that you can be both.. I took blood samples and wont get them back until a week.."

"A week?" Vikki sighed and rubbed my hand.

"I'm a monster." I frowned.

"You are not a monster child" Her mother spoke up.

"My eyes.."

"They are unique.." Vikki smiled.

I frowned as she kissed my head. " I'm happy your awake again.."

The door busted open as guards came rushing in and panting. The Alpha stood up alerted as Vikki shielded me from them.


"What ?" He spoke.

"The prisoners are.. well they killed two of our men who gave them food."

He sighed and got up looking at Vikki who shook her head as he walked out and shut the door.

"Prisoner?" I looked at Vikki.


"Well now to test something." The nurse came in with a bottle of red crap.


She cringed her nose and laughed.. "we need to see if you like this.."

"And that is?"


MWAHAHA>! So we dont really now what she is, just the look of her eyes. >> Pic

Tell me what you think she is by her eyes.!


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