Chapter 38.

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--> Anima Libera <--


Chapter 38.

Sara and Amy were dancing to this cute techno song and i couldnt help join in laughing and dancing to the beat of the music. For a first we were all happy and not in danger's way. The guys were clapping at us dancing or were watching the foot ball game on the TV which was hard to hear so they were watching us mostly.

Johnny got up and started dancing with Amy as she laughed and giggled, those two were too cute like brother and sister's.. I wouldnt be suprised if they were. But there werent , the reason he took her under his wind was because of his sister. She is lost and i promised him i would hopefully find her. But still we come up empty handed.

Jason got up and held onto my waist and was swaying with me to the music as we tried to sing the song.. But Amy knew the words perfectly it was beautiful her singing was. What was making me nervous was Jason's hands and his laughing as we danced together.. Is it weird he makes me nervous when i am around him or the sweet thing's he says to me. EEP.

"So.. Whats the plane today?" Kyle asked.

"I dont know i really wanna see if there are any Hybrids hidding here. Since we found Amy here." I smiled as she continued to dance.

Jason's hands were still on my waist as i looked over at him, he blushed and let go walking away to the bed sitting down sighing.

"Hey Amy.. Are there any more Hybrids here." I smiled.

She looked up at me and jumped up and down and sat stood infront of me turning the music down.

"Yes there is. " She smiled.

We all looked at her as she giggled and sat on the bed . "But they aren't really happy. A bunch of their friends died.. Trying to find you really."

"Find me?" I asked shocked.

"Ya.. We heard an Alpha was alive and 3 people took off and haven't come back since then." She frowned.

I nodded understanding looking out the window. "Will you show them to me.."

She looked scared for a minute and sighed.

"Amy if i find my Warrior's than i can make the pack circle.. That means we all can talk in mind link and we will be a pack at last."

Amy looked up and smiled big. " I will take you to meet them!" She got up and ran to the door .

I got up as the other's got up with me and walked outside our room as i locked it just in case of anything happened. Amy skipped with Sara hand in hand down the stairs and into the back of the main office room. The girl from before smiled at me.

There was chattering coming in from the room as Amy opened the door screaming loudly as they all cursed and started yelling at her .

I walked in behind them as people stood and stared at us but said nothing. Sara got scared and hid behind me looking at the strange people in the room. 

In the room there was 3 boys and a women who was pregnant and was probably ready to pop any second. They were shielding her and i was happy they were, means they protect people and care for one another.

"Amy.. Who are these people!" The one man snapped.

She rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch looking at them. "That is the Hybrid Alpha." She smiled looking at me.

They all looked at me and the women smiled and pushed them men out the way as she waddled over to me and took my hand smiling. "Finally."

"I am so sorry."

She looked at me questionably. "I told her about the other's." Amy spoke up.

The women looked at me and nodded and hugged me. "It is not your fault child. They should of waited."

"Yes but i should of been here. I promise i will look for them. " I smiled.

"Thank you Alpha." She smiled.

"Whoa Whoa. Carla don't go on and start calling her Alpha when we dont accept her yet." The young boy snapped.

"Ooh shut up Fred! I cant do this anymore. My baby needs a nice bed and pack house to sleep in, and by the look's of her. She is strong. She can take care of all of us." She smiled rubbing my arm.

He made a noise in his throat as he walked to the couch and sat down.

"We may not have a pack house yet.. Were going through some things. But i will give you safety."

She nodded and smiled. "The council?"

"Yes them and other things." 

She nodded and smiled taking my hand. "I am with you and so is my husband." 

A man sighed and walked over to us and smiled at me and nodded. "I will accept you Alpha. I will help get this pack house together."

"Thank you that mean's allot." 

The other two boys said nothing.. they look like my warriors.. my wolf can feel it and she is jumping out of control in my head. 

"What about you two."

The two boys looked at each other. "So what are these other problems your having."

I looked at them and looked at the ground.

"She really doesn't-

"It's okay Jason.. If there gonna be part of my pack members and my pack Warriors.. They should know"

"You can tell were warriors?" The one boy smirked.

"Yah." I rolled my eyes .

"My brother.. He raised from the dead and is killing people.. He already killed someone's father close to me.. I dont want to get anyone involved but as you can see, My pack is by my side and i am grateful for that really." I smiled as Kyle rubbed my shoulder.

The women frowned and grabbed my hand, the man only looked at me and nodded. " I am so sorry that is happening to you. As i cant do much in my condition i am willing to help. "

The two boys looked at eachother and stepped forward looking at me. "We will be your Warrior's.. Alpah." The one boy smiled.

I couldnt help but let the tears falls as finally i got my pack and complete the circle to the pack! Watch out world. I'm Coming. Not just me.. But my whole freaking pack!

:DDD! Yay a pack!! She has her Warriors and has a beta!! WOOO! and got two new members to her pack and she is mising is more people nd a pack doctor . Yay Melissa.

Stay tuned for the binding of the pack in the next chapter! 

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