Chapter 98

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~Song, Birthday Cake:Rhianna HAHA I HAD TOO!~


Alvin's POV

Chapter 98:

I woke up with the sun on my face as I stretched sitting up. Melissa and Vikki weren't in the other bed . I smiled getting excited.
Today is my birthday!! I giggled lightly.

The door swung open and Melissa, Amy and Sara came in screaming with food in their arms.
I laughed as they ran to my bed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" They all screamed.

"Thanks guys." I smiled.

They handed me my breakfast as I smiled at it my tummy rumbling.
Pancake's with syrup, three slice's of bacon and toast.

"So everything is prepared downstairs for this evening." Amy smiled.

"And anyone who is anyone is coming." Melissa added.

"Especially your mate." Sara wiggles her eyebrows.

I chocked on a piece of pancake as they laughed. They got up and left but I grabbed Melissa's hand.

"I'll be right down" she said to them and sat next to me.

"I am so scared." I frowned.

She smiled and ruffled my hair.
"Don't be. You should be excited."

"I am! It's just what if he doesn't like how I look or thinks I am ugly or-

She held her hand up as I shut up.
"He will love you for you and come on Alvin your adorable!"

I smiled.
"His pack is coming too.. What if they don't accept me?"

"Why won't they? Cause your a guy? So what look at me and Vikki? We are both Alpha's, dominant and are both girls."

I nodded listening.

"Plus all will love you because of how you are." She smiled and got up.

"Better go before I eat all your food" she rubbed her belly.

I laughed and smiled at how much Melissa glowed. I think it was a pregnant thing.
"You will be an amazing mom."

She blushed and kissed my head as she walked away.

I smiled and got up not finishing my food. Who could? I am so nervous!
I opened the box with the tux and smiled at it.
I took it out and sniffed it getting his scent.

My wolf purr'd in the back of my throat as I giggled and jumped into the shower.

I washed my self and shaved of course.
I went into my room and put my cute tux but I wanted to spice it up so I put suspender's on smirking. I did a cute purplish bow tie and fixed my hair.
I made it messy but cute with gel in it.

I smirked in the mirror and went down stairs as people said happy birthday to me I smiled.

Melissa was wearing a cute pink sundress that showed off her baby bump allot. Vikki wore black pant's with a cute link top with matching earring's. I smiled and made my way toward's them but got interrupted into a hug.

"Baby Bro." Alex shouted.

I smiled.
"Hey Alex."

"Happy Birthday!!" He yelled.

I laughed .
"Thanks thanks!"
Sara and Amy squealed and came over to me.

"You look so cute!" Amy laughed.

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